If it was at night, and most encounters with our antlered friends ARE, you may have blown the headlights out on impact.. Try changing the...
Beautiful !! Keep us posted with progress pics !! Val
Yea, that's them.. They were/are manufactured by someone else, who I was trying to remember. I see the"other" truck supplier, who is NOT one of...
Yea, Strange but true... I'm sure it has to do with the need to fabricate the door check. Hook Um Horns !! Val
There are some aftermarket perches that are advertised for 64-66 trucks that will fit with some work. I can't remember "who" makes them but will...
Yup I was... Sorry... 64-66 3 speed column shift and automatics have solid pan floors including the trans hump. The 4 speed models and the 4...
Who makes one piece door glass kits ? Nobody.. If you saw it on another truck, it was a custom made job. The big problem is the door check...
Only the Big hump has a bolt-on inspection cover Buddy. Val
Detailing 1
The width of the later rear is wider. Probably a total of 1 1/2 inches. You may need to change rear wheels with the correct backspacing to get...
I just checked some diagrams that are used in the Factory Service Manuals AND no heater diagrams to be found. As these were TRUCKS,,, heaters...
Everyone stay safe out there tonight.. Val
This is an important discussion to have, and NO I personally did not vote for her, my personal feelings are that she is an embarassment and people...
That better than the alternative !!! ;)
From: SEMA Action Network Date sent 12/29/2008 10:12:37 am Subject: Urgent Action Alert: Oppose Federal Vehicle Scrappage Program...
Not that I'm aware of... Strickley a swap meet / wrecking yard / e-Bay / Craigslist item... Val
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