Looks Mighty fine to Me . Perty cheap Considering the cost of Materials these days . Thanks for Showing . Bob
More then Likelly Yer heater core is shot . First thing I,d do on the Trans is make sure its full of fluid . Best of Luck. Bob
55 thru 59 have vent windows , totally different window frame . Might try this place they show a few used ones . Best of luck, Bob...
Howdy & Welcome Tex , Pics would be nice, Sounds like a Great Project. Lots of Great & Helpfull People here to give You advice, Also many threads...
Rustbucket Acording to My Old Dupont books ,for the interior color I Beleive your talking about it shows dupont color code 9274-LH & is called a...
You dont Happen to have any Manuals for the Iseki tractors do You Nate ? :D
Perez I Doubt You,ll get any response ,since the Fellow only has made 5 Posts & They are 5 years old . In case You didn,t notice. Best of luck...
You Bet Craig. Thats A Perty good idea in Most Cases. I Use Mostly Dupont & Evercoat Products, So Just Not Sure about Others, But The Laquers Are...
Craig I,m not familiar with That Epoxy or the Eastwood Chassis paint. But I Would says as Long as the Chassis paint is Not Laquer You Wouldn,t...
Have You Checked the Parts Counter at the Dealership. They Have Assortments of Special GM Related Screws Like , If Not Pm Me Your Mailin addy &...
Yes Cchar , it will work on a tractor tire , But I Wouldn,t suggest doing it on the tractor. There was a Video on Utube that showed someone doing...
Thats a Great link Ken, Thanks for Posting . Bob
Lots of that stuff Around Ash But the Shippins gonna kill Ya as Yer well aware , lol . I Found an Old 1944 kansas plate I Slipped in with the...
Jay , I run them all the way in Just Back them out enough to where it wil run , usually Between 1/2 & 1 full turn , Then turn them out a little...
It apears to be the Same Heater, In My 56/57/& 59/ Which all have the Deluxe Controls Also . Heres a Pic of the 59 . Bob Ps , If You need any...
Hers a Link to LCM ccharr , seems They have them, But I,ve heard the Quality might not be the best. http://www.lmctruck.com/features/ca/CAGTK.htm...
Nate are You Saying that 55 thru 59 would be the same possablly , If so I probly have some & could send one . If You have a pic it would be...
Hi Bob , I Have Some Stuff For sale in this link https://talk.classicparts.com/showthread.php?t=9309 It Will Give You an idea , Also has My...
Wow Nate, Sorry to here . I Allways kind of wondered what happened but was Afraid to ask . Glad the Recovery is going well. Best of luck on a Full...
Hi Bob & Welcome, Cant Help You with the info Your Looking for , Just Wanted to say Howdy Neighbor . Bob
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