only runs with choke closed volume and vacume test was good at carb. i still must test vacume at manifold wipper outlet.then i will check...
only runs with choke closed before i clean carb .i will do the gas volume test and vacume test .when running at idal 17 -21 psi is that with...
i have a new tank new sender new lines new fillter .whith the old tank i hade 2 filters to carb.i opend bowl it looked clean.i will clean carb...
235 will only run with choke close,but with gas tank half full runs much better than full tank. but still fully choked.I checked for vacume leaks...
what size tire shold i use on my 1948 1/2 ton original 15 inch rims.thanks
whats the diferance betwean 205/75/15 and 215/70 /15 on 1950 1/2 ton not halling weight.thanks
it fills like a vacume leak it hesitates. but i cant find a vacume leak. fuel lines are tight.1/3 of a tank of gas little hesitation i fill the...
checked for vacume leaks at carb intake vacumeadvance wipper hole pluged.carb was resently rebuilt and ran ok till now.whith carb choked at low...
what is the best way to winterize my fuel system on my truck it will be shut down for the winter.thanks
can i put 216 intake exhaust manifolod on second series 235 and use 216 alinment rings will it work this truck is not very good shape.thanks
dos relining gas tanks work for aney legth of time or shuuld i spend 350.00 and get a new one .tank dos not have aney hole but has rust my truck...
what size radio tiers should i buy to fit my original 15/5 rims for 1948 1/2 ton. thanks
swap my my 411 for 355 ring is this this verry difiacolt on torque tube.i will get a overhall manual first.thanks
i whant to use radials and oridginal hub caps on 1948 1/2ton 6 lug. i need tiers and rims. are the original rims adiquit or what other year rims...
i can buy some realy cheap priced tirers.225/75/16.will these fit in my wheel well properly are they to wide? on my 1948 1/2 ton.i was told 15 and...
i asome i have 200000 miles on a old 292 RV runs ok.i change the oil evrey year last year i only went less than 500 miles last year and will only...
the lock nuts that lock the adjusting screws what size are the lock nuts 19/32 did not sell a socket at napa. is there a substute.and whats the...
i am having problems getting the right timing on my 235.i know the procedger intake valve opens closes piston top ded center on the 1 cilynder...
my 1960 235 i see only 1 opening in the middle bottum of the block.and there is 2 brass lines 1 whith a T.i asome the T is shared whith the...
reinstaling trans on1948 1/2 ton 3 speed,there is a gap of1/8 to 1/4 inch gap betwean my trans and bellhousing.put a new clutch kit and new pilot...
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