It worked Nate, much to my surprise when I clicked the submit reply the link was there. You are now classified as "Yoda" in my book!
Side Mount Nate, thanks for the tips! Apears I can copy the address or item number but when it comes to setting up a direct link I'm a dork!...
Side Mount I don't know how to give you the link, but e-bay has a side mount listed with some good pics. Type in "1947 48 49 1951 53 CHEVY...
Kero vs. diesel There both known as middle distilates but Kerosene is more flammable. The're close but are not the same stuff. Don't get me...
Kero vs. Diesel Being someone who is connected to the oil industry, I have to give a safety message here. Kerosene is a cut between diesel and...
Studs LWJ, now I understand:eek: If its off the truck you'll have no choice but to replace them. One other comment I would make. I was on my...
Studs LWJ, just one more comment. I put in a lot of hours over that stud only to have it eventually break off. Probably wasted more time on it...
Houston inspection Scott, check out
Starting I suspect on this one all trucks have their own personality:) On my truck, 2 pumps with both the choke and throttle out about a half...
Good Feelings Yeah, but it feels so good when you figure it all out!:D
Brakes Lines Pretty good explanation from Andy. He has a better memory than me!! I did my brake lines using the SS lines from CP in December....
Giants Andy, congratulatiions! I was rooting for them all the way. Use to be a Giants fan when I lived in NY. (But that was when YA Title was...
Great ideas I agree, great idea!!! I played around with putting it under the dash (and may still surf the net for some new inventions) and...
Hooked up my radio today using a 6v to 12v converter, and a CP USA2 radio. I have it working with Altec Lansing computer speakers (two old cubes...
52 windshield Guys, thanks for all of the tips! I'll definitly do the sealant last now;) Andy, my truck is a 52 so hopefully I will have an...
6 volt music Zig, I bought it from "Oddball Audio Parts and Electronics" on e-bay for $39. Their not advertising one there now but someone else...
Ok, I did all 3 rear windows this weekend. Not a lot of fun, the "special" tool I bought was worthless and I wound up using a small screwdrive...
Warped washers I just did all of my brakes and the warped washers work fine. Why would you consider replacing:confused: I'm with Ken, if they...
6 volt music Zig, I bought a 6 to 12 volt transformer off the net and plan on running a standard 12 volt radio off of my 6 volt system. No...
Air Filter Nate, thanks!!!!!!!!!!!! I did find it on Chevs of the 40's (a new website for me:D) and will call them tomorrow to make sure the...
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