I like 'em all ! ! ! ! I like all years of these trucks! That must be why I'm putting a 60-61 hood and a 60 grill on my '65. Gee, I hope it...
The shop manuals and assembly manual are the "Bibles" of my project. Buy them here at Chevy Duty! Truck mags and catalogs can help a lot too....
Sounds like your off to a good start!-but two trucks? I only have one and its a big enough money pit. Just kidding, I'd have a bunch of 'em if I...
Dennis, that's a whole lot better than what happened to me today. I got out of school at noon and hopped in the old hauler to see about a '60...
Where's a good place to buy chrome reverse wheels? Any luck at junkyards? I'm kinda stingy. I'm looking for a set to get powdercoated with trim...
Since your dash is in such bad shape, I'd look for a sound one a wrecking yard. They aren't too hard to find for '64-'66 trucks. Since most of...
Tom, hey I couldn't agree more! It must be that the people without 'em are so envious. . . I found an old style hood(in nice shape too) on a...
David, I just popped mine out a few hours ago. Since my lock cylider had only one hole on it, I took a paper clip and stuck it in the hole and...
Joey, the brakes on your truck sound like the biggest problem at the moment. If you plan on driving the truck before fixing it up a little, those...
Does anybody know if the earlier style switch(60-63)only had one hole? Mine only has one, and the plastic electrical connector on the back looked...
Hi Scott, a long stepside bed should fit right on, since the bed is primarily held to the truck by bolts in the wood with an offset washer....
Could your informant be confusing the GMC "6" emblem with something Chevy? --TR
Hey guys, just seeing what you think. I've instated a search for a 60-61 hood for my '65. What?! Thats right, I want the old style hood. I...
Hey Tom, the pic is an avatar image that can be found in your profile. To get one I went to the FAQ menu and clicked on the user menu icon near...
Good to see. . . --TR
I just thought that this place has been pretty quiet lately. . . it must be that winter is a-comin' eh? I am planning to take the bed off of my...
I know its months away, but do any of you attend the TAhoe Truckin' Show in South Lake Tahoe in June? I went to the show last year and saw some...
Hey I saw the pics of your truck by linking to your page from chevytalk. Looks like a good solid truck. Love those stepsides. --TrustyRusty
I think trucks that are painted white from the bottom of the windows on up look nice. There's one near me in incline village me that's orange on...
Thanks again guys! I've also given some thought to just converting my points distributor to an electronic one. Mallory has the Unilite...
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