can someone take a look at the fluid on the exhaust in the earlier post, and give me you thoughts on where that fluid came from based on where it...
Thanks for the how to I appreciate it and follow the directions. I just trying to figure out where that fluid (in the pic) that is on the exhaust...
See the attached pics I took when I pulled the wheel, etc. You can see where the fluid in on the frame and the exhaust pipe as well as the...
Anyone give me a quick down and dirty on how to replace the wheel cylinders? Or provide a link to do so.
After inspecting the Rear main and the trans they both were dry and didnt seem to be leaking or have leaked. The front left wheel cylinder was...
I thought the same thing when I pulled the covers, pan, etc. Where's the leak? And now what was the dark fluid that splattered all over the...
got the oil pan and crank cover off, now can someone take a look at the pics attached and tell me which bolts to loosen and where to go from here...
Those are rope rear main seals correct? Have any good site to get them from?
If it indeed is the rear main seal, easy fix? inexpensive fix?
Here is a picture of the pan and the rust holes. I m thinking this is where the fluid came from that on the base of the engine and caused the...
1954 chevy with 235 engine. what is the pan that sits directly behind the oil pan. After driving the truck for a few miles, smoke came from...
Any thoughts on putting a sealant on the water pump/gasket?
I replaced the old heavily leaking water pump (leaked from the bottom) with a new on bought at autozone. now after running it for about 5mins,...
Thanks for the pics. So the fluid just re-circulates itself? Is that correct?
What determines on a water pump what size pulley you need? 5/8" or 3/8" groove pulley? How would I identify which one I need?
regarding your post about the heater core. I really dont care if my heater works or not. You mentioned you put a copper lope behind the cover...
need a round heater core for my 54 truck.. Had a little bit of anti freeze in the floor board and pulled and sure enough its leaking and looks...
Dont know much about water pumps. Anyone give me a good suggestion on which one to get. Ive seen them on autozone, etc from 60.00 to 115.00. Thanks
After my 54 ran for 10 minutes, I noticed anti freeze leaking from the bottom of the water pump. After 10 mins of the engine being turned off,...
Thanks but still confused. Can someone post of pic of a split rim, the lock ring etc, so I know if I indeed have a split rim or not. Im just not...
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