Need some education- oldtimer told me use southern yellow pine only on bed and it will wont split with age like oak does, if oak is kiln dried and...
Hey Mr Put Put where was the show, Im in South Alabama and sorry I missed it, I have a 1950 model 1/2 ton that im working on now, do you reside in...
Thanks Ken please post a photo when the paints on would like to see, I did find a man named Bob Adler in NY who has been restoring painting for...
ive seen info that says interior for 1950 is champagne and ive seen info that says interior was Sheen Gray (Metallic) Poly mine looks like some...
Any info where i can find the gray engine paint in spray can for 216 - 1950 model 3400 series 3100 PU or where can i find quart can thanks
What is the proper mounting position for the inside door release lever handles I see photos with them vertical when the door is open and some...
Racketyboom what a nice truck, what is the color code and color name a great color thanks Ken
Found them JOn did you ever get yours working, nice pictures and Nate great explanation I will dive into mine tomorrow
Thanks Jon I searched archives for horn troubles and found nothing any ideas what keyword to use, maybe i try -damn horn dont work
Hey Jon killer truck there what is that color named and what did you paint the interior and what is your seat color scheme, nice website too,...
Nate okay i feel better about the wire in the gas tank when you say you ve seen quite a few melt that wire, do you mean that they wont last long...
Nate i found your previous discertation on square and posative shifting and repair ideas and printed them out, now im armed to go do battle...
Thanks Ken and Nate the photo you sent is exactly what my oil filter looks like, also the horn that i was asking about is the same also Any idea...
THanks for horn info Okay the shop manual and wiring diagrams and new harness I have dont allow for it, but i wrote down how it was wired, just...
Need some advice from someone whos been there done that, I got a replacement gas tank sending unit and this one has a pvc coated wire from the...
My 1950 has a horn relay installed on the firewall, next to the fuseblock for stop.tail light and under the voltage regulator the shop manual and...
need some advice, `1950 column shift, gear selector works and works and works and then will get hung up in neutral, i raise the hood, mess with...
Thanks for the welcome Nate, excuse my flag in my garage it says the south will rise again, but i cant help it as im uneducated , I dont know any...
what kinda music you into? my son and i play guitars but we only know southern rocknroll and we like it, yes we do-skynrd,allman,hendrix,zztop you...
oh i forgot , also dont plant your corn too deep or it may not come up
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