Now for the windlace. Not fun. 2 would be helpful on this also. The book says to slide through the center over the door first, but that wasn't happening, not to mention that you have to slide twice as much through there as neccessary. It fits into this channel... I started it in the front pillar first. Feed it in slowly, it likes to jump out of the channel. Use lots of oil or it will not happen. The first half is easy, then friction and curves begin to fight you. Pull it all the way down to the floor, and then some to trim later. Pull the rear the same way. For the center, I used a flathead screwdriver to work the rubber into the channel. Much swearing was involved. Lower door cab strip. Hook the lip of the rubber over the door sill and trim ends to fit. This is the rear. I trim so that there is a little overlap, but everything should fit like a puzzle. Repeat for front. Now install metal strip. It just catches the edge of the rubber and pinches it against the corner.