Zig, that Alt. bracket is 14 1/4" long the slot starts 3/4" in and is 4 1/4" long Oh and no hugs needed Zig.....My work here's done...Big Tim
Looks like you are coming along nicely Paul!!! Keep up the good work. Let me know when you fire that thing up and I will listen closely to see if I can hear it!!! Long live the long motors!!! Here are a few pics of my set up. Cant see to much, but my fenders are staying on! Hope it helps some, I did have a tough time finding a belt that fit, as I don't have much movement for adjustment.
Thank you!!! Thanks, Big Tim! That is long enough, and it looks to have a major enough curve, so all that is left for me is to go get one and try it out. Thank you, my friend!
Thanks, Brian! Looks like you have one of them there modified arms as well. My arm cant be straight, because when the alternator is mounted like it ~should~ be, the adjusting mount is way around towards the frame. Thanks for the photos, though! Looks like you'll have to pull that truck apart and paint it though...
How's this? Thanks to Big Tim's suggestion, I now have a really sexy arm, and an alternator that doesn't have its butt in the air. Of course, it just had to be chrome. That clashes with all my gold, I know... BTW, I didn't see the need in buying 3' of all thread, when all I needed was 8". so I used a carriage bolt and did the jamb nut thing on the back side of the lower bracket mount. It was quite amazing to find that the nuts *just* passed over the head of the bolt that went into the lower bracket that used to hold the generator in place. Fit just like a puzzle. Anyway... TaaDaah~
Call me a perfectionist, call me anal... Just don't call me late for dinner! Zig, didn't they teach you anything in basic in the Air Force? A square peg does not fit in a round hole! Take the time to "square" the hole in the bracket and make that carriage bolt flush up to it. You've spent too much time making that engine look awesome to have that bolt not fit flush. BigTim said it looked sexy, but to me, it looks like Megan Fox, semi-nude, with a shining big zit on her nose! Looking forward to the post that says: It's Alive, IT'S ALIVE!
Ken, Ken, Ken, Ken, Ken~ Square hole, round peg? If it makes you happy, I'll take my saws-all and cut the round part off. That way it will look "boltish". If I countersunk it, in my older years I might get under there and think I'd need a screwdriver to loosen it. Think how pissed I'd be to find there weren't no damn slot! This may look purdy, but new gaskets and all, after I've driven it for years, there might be a slight buildup of gunk that will mask that glaring head.
Bad Zig Baaaad!! Now Ken why did you have to go and burst Zig's bubble? I seen the square peg in the round hole but I figured he had put so much work in to it and it wasn't going to hurt anything and well you know.......lol...Big Tim
That's OKAY! I have thick skin~ I drive a GMC, after all... The kind of truck brit secretly desires, as do many others here.