Easiest front end I've ever worked on! Lol. Holler when you do yours if you need a hand. Joe has a lot of stuff and quite a bit of knowledge. Glad thatvi was able to hook up with him, sure I will need some more parts in the future! Did drop the original axle out, starting using the cut off wheel on the u bolts, and ended up using the impact on the nuts instead. It was faster. Might put buying parts on hold so I can buy a nice dual stage air compressor; had to stop several times when running the cut off wheel because the tank had to fill back up. Ohh well.
cooool. i bought a fender off joe last year. could spend lots of hours and money in his back yard. we'll have to make a junk yard/jow run sometime chad.
Haven't gotten much done in the last few days, but for some reason I started thinking about the motor. Wanted to know if it was indeed a 235, and was it the original motor. After spraying brake parts cleaner on the block numbers, I found 3769716. A '58 235ci! Glad I have the "better" motor instead of the pre-53. Question though, on one of the sites I read, this number is indeed a truck motor, but the also say the truck motors were gray? Mine is blue, maybe it was rebuilt at some point and painted blue?
Blue or grey engines Mostly up to 1954 the engines where grey and later produced truck engines came with a blue color .The 150 CU Blueflame engine whas allready exclusivly presented in the 1953 Corvette with blue (Blueflame)as the color. Many cars with the 235 engines after the 50 tees still had the grey paint color aswell but some where also blue depending on what brand car it whas. I have a 55 Chevy 210 engine with the original blue color as it is an Belair 210 car engine but i repainted it with grey as i like that color better Yours is a 58 and a truck engine with a blue color wich is the right color. Later engine colors are orange , darker blue or black depending on car brand . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chevrolet_straight-6_engine If needed you could ask Damon Sinclair here at this forum about the Paint color code if you have any plans to repaint the engine . Martinius.
AD Chevy Enging Color All Chevrolet Advanced Design Pickups came with gray engines . Blue is no big deal it means someone who's too young or inexperianced touched and and so painted it blue . I see quite a few that have been re painted Chevrolet Orange as well and this was a V-8 color .
I tried wiping the numbers with a rag, and that wasn't enough. They weren't covered in grease or oil, just dusty as hell. And I need more lighting in my garage.
I wouldn't be able to live with an orange motor in this truck. For some reason, I can't stand a orange painted motor.
Wrong ! The 1954-1962 235 & 261 motors were actually painted every color of the rainbow {depending on application }. Here is the correct breakdown of engine colors for the 40's . 50's & 60's GM motors http://www.cs.siena.edu/~lederman/truck/Documents/danroyEngineColors/danroyVCCAcolor.html .
Yeah, I saw that site last night. And one of the sites that I used to look up the casting number pegged mine as a '58. I now see on other sites that it could be 58-62, Ill have to clean off the cast date to be sure. I'll probably leave it blue, it is probably correct. Ohh well, no biggie.
This is awesome! My son, now 2 loves riding in the blue truck. We went out last night for about 45 min. Your son will love it to as you already know
Nate's Wrong Again Agreed they were painted color depending on application . Back when these were just old trucks , I never saw a blue 216 that hadn't been rebuilt , replaced , taken out of a passenger car etc. sadly , all those kindly Chevrolet Dealer mechanics I grew up with and learned from ,are all dead and gone but they were all insistent about this . So , my view that AD's need gray engines , remain . -Nate
If it makes you feel any better, Nate... the 235 going into my project truck will be painted gray. Damon
Work in progress I am really looking foreward to see the work in progress. Did you took the firetruck out on the 4th. of july Damon ? Martinius.
I'm sure he will. I found him the other night laying on the floor reading the LMC catalog! He kept asking if we can buy this and that, and I had to jokingly tell him to make a shopping list, then get a job.