You Guys Are the best ! . Thing is : I'm kinda ' funny style ' about my home ........ Few ever come here , I discourage visitors .
Parking Lot Auto Repair....... Yeah , I've been there many a time , last time was in West by God TEXAS and I didn't want to leave that nice little town... Back to a Turbo Hydro 350 tranny (? a TH400 better ,no ?) : how to connect my Torque Tube to it ?
Yabbutt ; Am I man enough to handle the public humiliation of being seen driving a Jimmy ? I dunno about that
Just thought I would give it a shot!!! If ya need someone to take that old beat up shop truck off your hands... I would love to do that for ya. Not to worry GMC guys... Zig... it would be for my dad I would love to get him a truck too. I know he would want a "beat up" crummy old truck. 3 on the tree. I remember "driving" on his lap on dirt roads on our way to the junk yard in his old 49 white truck. I was 3 or 4 yrs old That is why i have an AD now!!!! And I can't wait to get him in one again!!!
Say WHAT??? What are you talking about, Nate? You are T-H-E man! You beat that guy's windshield to death with your own back, you are definitely man enough to drive a G!!!! Heck, you could even drive an old Dodge truck!
So THAT'S who was outside my window! Ya know, brit~ If you're going to come all the way across the pond to peek in my window, the least you could do is knock on the door and come on in~ I'd be proud to show you all the G pictures that I have! Then, we could go out to the garage and I could show you my G Then we could do something "MANLY", like throw chunks of firewood around my back yard! ~hey~ You started it.
You Guys Are the BEST ! (note clever use of Chevrolet Blue there) . Yes , I suppose I could drive a Jimmy (oh the horror , the shame) or maybe even one of those goofy trucks with a blue oval medallion but , I'd really rather rattle on down the road to my eventual passing in a world famous none better at any price , Chevrolet 3100 Series stepside pickup truck with a reliable InLine 6 Banger engine under it's hood . What can I say ? I'm a Luddite A stupid Yankee Dairy farmer (Milking Shorthorns) and I'll never change , no reason to at this late date . I know you GMC guys with your fancy-schmancy l o n g motors with SEVEN main bearings and indestructible high nickle content cast iron blocks will whizz past me in the straight bits but that's not important to me as driving what I perceived as a poor laddie to be the ' rich man's truck ' ~ a Chevrolet , made after The War So sue me