Antifreeze coming from oil draft tube

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by JOJ1964, Jun 5, 2023.

  1. JOJ1964

    JOJ1964 Member

    Jun 5, 2023
    1950 216
    Driving home yesterday and engine started getting hot. Pulled over and was leaving a trail of antifreeze. Popped hood, coming from oil draft tube. Would that be a head gasket or could I have cracked the block? Also I checked the cylinder compression and all cylinders are between 95 and 105 psi. Thanks!
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2023
  2. Chiro

    Chiro Member

    Sep 3, 2006
    A New York Yankee living in Virginia
    Wow. Poor guy has a problem and has no responses yet. Here goes...
    You could have a variety of problems. The road draft tube is for crankcase ventilation so if you have coolant coming out of it you then have coolant in your crankcase which is bad. Just coolant coming from the road draft tube would be unusual. If coolant gets into the crankcase it will mix with the oil to create a chocolate milkshake colored and very thick sludge-like substance very quickly. You likely will have the dreaded chocolate milkshake upon inspection of your dipstick. If so, drain the oil and you will see what I mean. When you did compression test did you first spin the engine on each cylinder with the spark plug removed? Did the cylinder eject any water when doing that? If so, likely at least a blown head gasket. Hopefully nothing worse. How many miles on the 216? How was it running otherwise? If just a blown head gasket, you must obviously replace it checking both the block and head for warping. Head could have a crack as well. If either the block or head are warped or the head or block is cracked it would be time to seriously start looking for a 235 to replace the 216.
  3. JOJ1964

    JOJ1964 Member

    Jun 5, 2023
    Thank you very much for the response. I dodge a bullet on this one. The antifreeze wasnt coming from the draft tube but rather the overflow tank. I installed a new water pump and flushed things good and it isnt overheating now. Whew! Again thanks for the response!
    Chiro likes this.

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