finish pics from my 1/2 ton

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by Volker, Oct 3, 2008.

  1. brit 50

    brit 50 Member

    Dec 6, 2005
    Essex England, the motherland
    These trucks.........

    They just bring people together from all over the world. Awesome truck my European friend, looks stock unless you look closely, then you see all those lovely touches like the roof lining....... superb:cool:
  2. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000

    That's simply beautiful .

    Makes me miss my old '46 shop truck I drove all over the western states back when it was just an old cheap truck :rolleyes: .

    I think you'll like the Great State of TEXAS , did you know it was largely settled by Germans in the 1800's ? .

    They really know hard work and good food there , I love visiting .
  3. Volker

    Volker Member

    Oct 27, 2007
    Germany, nearby Leipzig

    Nate, really good to hear that you are OK.
    I was in TX 2 years ago and you are right, the food is the best in the US. I was in San Antonio for vacation (visiting in New Braunfels concerning a new car/truck and found a lot of German things) and the best was the isolation at the wide landscape. We don't have this in Germany.
    I'm be happy to visit you and come back with more information about my next trip to the US.

    One question: as i drove my truck oil dropped out of the brake drum (right side). I found a hole in my brake drum (the nose of the drum fits in this hole in the brake plate).
    It looks like oil from the rear axle. Must be a plug in the hole or is a seal kaputt? :D oooh the same word is it in german and english
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2008
  4. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Auf Deutch

    No , I don't recall much of it I learned in high school Volker but yes , millions of immigrants have made sure that English now includes Kaputt , Kapuski , Kaputti etc. , etc. , it's a good word , when I were a laddie , we had cartoons on the shop magazines , all about the travails in a truck shop called : ' The Kaputi Garage ' ~ I bet there's a web site of these wonderful old cartoons .

    There's prolly a seal going back but some years also have a drain hole that's supposed to allow minor amounts of oil weep leak out past the brake plate and axle flange , drip down the inner sidewall of the tire to the ground ~ problem is : no one ever cleans out the brake dust so it clogs up and then overflows grear oil onto the brakle shoes ~ give it all a good cleaning and looksee with the drum off before yanking the axle out for a new seal , might be a simple repair .

    BTW : much as I love , respect and admire TEXAS (esp. the wide open parts in West TEXAS) , I don't live there , would love to buy you a cuppa coffee if you make it to Kooky California , I live in the general area of La La Land , home of fruits & nuts .

    American Southern cuisine is very good tho' not good for your heart ~ we have a few different types of BBQ , the folks up in the Carolinas like it vinegar based , I prefer sugar/hickory/tomator typ base in mine....

    Dang ! now I'm hungry again and I just finished my old man's fiber crap brekkie .
  5. Wolf

    Wolf Member

    Apr 20, 2008
    Nate... if you love that type of BBQ come on down to Kansas City... we have all sorts of great BBQ around. and oh yeah im sure i would buy you some dinner for some advise on my ol GMC...:rolleyes:

    glad to see you back on here, hang in there on the road to recovery
  6. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Thanx !

    I sure could use some good BBQ right now ~ yuppie folks here in La La Land (home of fruits & nuts) think the meat should be cooked dry then they give you a little cup of BBQ sauce to dribble on ....:rolleyes:

    You have some Elderberry Wine ?

    MONDO pain to-night dammit . I just want to sleep .

  7. Wolf

    Wolf Member

    Apr 20, 2008
    never had eldeberry wine, but its definitly around here. my wife's parents actually have a bunch of eldeberry bushes that they planted and they make the juice. I don't think that I have ever had a bad BBQ meal since I have lived in KC.

    My aunt lives in Riverside LA. Looking to make a trip out there again some day to visit her. If its close Ill have to pay ya a visit.. its always nice to put a face to the people...

    Had a great time with mr Zig himself, but then again we both have 3/4 ton G's:D
  8. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    I'm not much of a drinker but some years ago the .99 CENTS store had bottle of the wine , I liked it .

    If you get out here , give me a call , Riverside's only an hour or so away , easier for me to go there as I know where it is....

    I'll buy you a nice cuppa and if Aunti knows where good eats are at , my treat .

    I'd love to visit K.C. but no traveling in the immediate future I'm afraid :(

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