Fun Weekend of Driving

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by Wolf, May 17, 2010.

  1. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    MORE Useless Trivia

    The gauge pointer needles in '47s are shorter and were red (maybe orange) when new ~ this made them very hard to see at night .

    Of course , my '49 3100 has a set of these and when I had them overhauled years ago , I had them re-paint them red thinking it'd make me smile on those long desert drives ~ maybe so but not so much @ 0-Dark:30 when I cannot see how much fuel I have left.....

    The heater switches also changed , some say " HEAT " others say " AIR " .

    I just use whatever makes me happy and works best , I have a working truck , not a show rig ;) .
  2. Wolf

    Wolf Member

    Apr 20, 2008
    I totally understand. I almost put those brown ones in mine, but didn't. Wife liked these better. I was torn, so I chose that way!;)
    Now if we can get ya that sweet grill, and that long motor, you will be good to go!!! Come on over to the dark side you will like it i promise:D

    Nate I love the ol workin trucks!!! Its like my rear bumper. I originally wanted to get the correct bumper for it, but now I won't change it!! The previous farmer, made this by hand. If you look closely he used it as an air tank, see the air bung on the passenger side? What a great idea. Makes the truck unique too.
  3. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    COOL! The original "fix-a-flat" idea! Do you carry a length of air hose with you that has a chuck on the end?
    I, of course, _LOVE_ your truck!
    On my way to take my daughter and friends of hers to vacation bible school, what do I see sitting across from one of the local diners?
    That's right~ a very BEAUTIFUL GMC dressed in black primer. (Wolf, I can officially say your truck will look slick in black!) It lost it's front bumper and looked to be sitting a tad closer to the ground than stock, and unfortunately it was gone before I came back through~ Anyway, black gauges look better with a black dash. The red dash in mine would have looked funky with black gauge faces, so I happily went with G tan.
    Thanks for the pictures, Brian!
  4. Wolf

    Wolf Member

    Apr 20, 2008
    Thanks Paul!! VBS is a lot of fun. My wife and I are not helping this year, it is actually a nice break! But we had so much fun helping with it. I should rig up the rear air tank again. The bung has part of the hose stuck in it still.

    I love your guages the way you did them, and how you painted to inside also!! Do you have a pic of them? i have always liked the brown ones too, but like you said it would have looked funny with my black dash, which by the way was Ziggy special rattle can;)
  5. willardgreen

    willardgreen Member

    Dec 17, 2007
    Nice work

    If you will take a little time to plug the holes on the firewall you will not belive the difference. They make a rubbery putty and plastic plugs that are cheep and well worth the money. Glad to see the new hubcaps! They make it look good, now take that loose front tooth to the denist. Ha Ha!:p
  6. hardcrab

    hardcrab Member

    Feb 2, 2009
    Northern Neck of VA
    highway speeds in a 3/4

    FWIW- I have been very happy with the S-10 3.42 rear axle I put in my '50 3600 last year. It's a perfect gear ratio for the original 4 speed trans. I still have not gotten around to changing out the speedo gear to show the correct speed, but the GPS says I'm going 65 mph easy. No problem pulling hills either ('62 235 engine). Might want to consider that route, and depending on the year of the donor you can have either rear disc or "newer" drum brakes. You need a 4x4 donor for better width. You would need to re-think you wheel lug pattern though....

    The new front disc brakes (on a 1/2 ton axle) made a huge difference as well. Now if I can just get my king pins right- I couldnt get the shims in last year when I installed them- now they're loose again.

    Nice looking truck you have- I like the "patina"- I wish the prev. owner of mine hadn't painted it.
  7. Wolf

    Wolf Member

    Apr 20, 2008
    I do need to do that. I have been meaning to for a while now, but i just forget. :D I would like to get that "loose" grill fixed, well actually not:rolleyes: as it is a staple of a MANLY TRUCK but they would have to take out that manly manly engine out of there. Did I mention that it has full oil pressure???;);)

    I do think I would like to change my rear end. But for now its good to go. if i do that change I would like you said have to upgrade those brakes. Mine work great, had to use them as some people just don't get it and cut me off and slam on their brakes. But mine work great. I would not think they would work so good at 65mph. but at 45-50 they work pretty good.

    I do like that "patina" look. its fun, not to mention that sweet lookin front end
  8. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    Rattle can dash and gauges~

    Rattle rattle!:D

    Here's what they look like, but I'm glad my oil line screwed up and started leaking inside the gauge and onto the floor. (I can pull the line through the brass fitting that screws into the back of the gauge~ I think flaring is in order?)

    When I repaint the dash after adding a radio, I'll paint it again. At that time, I will take the gauges back out and paint the white needles red so I can see them better at nighttime.
    You know~
    When I'm rolling down Broadway on my way to Sonic or something. Maybe just out rolling along listening to the straight pipe as the wind is floating in complements a wing window and cowl vent. ;)
    'Corse I'll have to wave back to all those guys that wish they were rollin' in a manly rig like we have, right Brian? :cool:
  9. Wolf

    Wolf Member

    Apr 20, 2008
    I can just see it now!!! even better both of us cruising by sonic with 2 sets of mighty 228 straight pipes cruising along!!! That cowl vent is awesome right!!! Can you imagine the looks, especially with the GMC manly man's truck!! I mean the Chevy's are cool and will get a few looks, but the GMC man we best be careful, we could cause some traffic issues, heck even a riot

    I will have to find a good day to come down and see ya. I am hoping it will work out!! Any cruises or anything like that coming up? This summer has turned out to be crazy busy again, I really really want to cruise down to give ya a visit!
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2010
  10. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Red Gauge Needles

    Be aware that the reason GM only painted them red for one year is : they're difficult to see at night.....

    If I ever go back into my gauges , I'll paint them white .
  11. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    Love to have you down ANY time, Brian! I'll make sure you get plenty of good, grilled grub!
    There is a car show/shine and show on the first Saturday of every month. If you were down for that, I'd HAVE to get Shotwheels (Rob) to bring his G up there! :cool:

    By the way~ here is the dash picture I forgot to attach. :eek:

    Attached Files:

    • Dash.jpg
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      75.3 KB
  12. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    Better Picture

    This one doesn't have as much glare~ I think you get a better idea of how much better the needles should show up?

    Attached Files:

  13. Wolf

    Wolf Member

    Apr 20, 2008
    There is that beautiful dash of yours!!! Looks great. I can't wait till you get it finished so you can get in that sweet GMC and drive!!

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