Good Bye , Old Paint

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by vwnate1, Feb 28, 2012.

  1. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Thank you

    It's been a really tough go of late , I thought I wasn't going to survive the weekend two weeks ago so it's time to move on .

    Sadly , I ran out of steam unloading it so I didn't get to keep my Pasadena Gardener's License Plate and " STOP " light in the middle there , he says he'll send them back to me , we'll see .

    I've already begun thinking of the new passing & suicide warnings , maybe a little bit different on the '69 C/10 .

    Yes , that old '49 3100 was a serious part of my personal history , I never thought I'd have to sell it , it feels like a piece of me is gone missing but life throws you punches and either you learn to roll with them or you'll get run over ~ I'm far too ornery to let that happen .

    Not ton worry fellas , I won't be going anywhere until I'm dead . I'm a Tech Adviser on many different forums around the World but this one here , is Home to me .

    I don't get much play on the '67 ~ '72 forum on this very site so I'll be cluttering up with my long boring stories right here until someone complains or says " SHADDAP AWREADY WILLYA ! :p .

    I *do* hope the buyer holds to his word and returns me my license plate & STOP light .

    I've had that since 1973 or so .

    I'd better quit now , this is prolly boring you alls to death .
  2. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Not To Worry

    Sexy Shirley is sitting here watching The Telly.....

    The '49's new owner says he wants to use some GM InLine 6 Banger I've never heard of , it's fuel injected .

    My son bought me those '41 ~ '47 DeLuxe Hubbies for Father's day the year I bought the truck , the new owner says I can have them , we'll see .

    I did think hard about swapping those wheels , tires & hubbies to the '69 , I didn't think they'd look right though .

    BTW : that Cameo I was looking at , they decided to keep it and re sprayed it , didn't take out the 235 & Hydromatic so I heartily approve , especially as it's red & white , my all time favorite color combination .
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2012

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