Good sound?

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by 1BAD54, Aug 10, 2008.

  1. Flashlight

    Flashlight Member

    Apr 6, 2009
    Greeneville, Tennessee....Looking out over the Smo
    $2.00!!! What the hay? I'm at the same place as Wolf. Got some really sweet stainless Racing exhaust headers under my dual carb setup. I've been dinking around with other issues too. I'm about ready to take it up to the exhaust shop. The man there says his turbo mufflers that all the highschool kids put on their Civics will sound nice and tame until I get on it. But, I'm scared I'll sound like a Honda Civic. I had Glass packs on it and at lower RPM's they were good. But Cruising at 55 MPH with stock rearend was way too loud!! I got a 2009 F--D 150. I like the stock sound of it. Manly with a bit of an attitude when I get on it. Whatever, can I do?

  2. Larrys 48

    Larrys 48 Member

    Dec 7, 2007
    Spokane, WA
    I live in the Northwest - home of Starbucks on every corner - and gone forever the $0.25 cup of joe...
  3. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Coffee & Turbo Mufflers

    I stopped into a real live SERVICE STATION
    this morning to get Coffee (good) and fuel (lousy Ca. Foo-Foo ' Motor Fuel ') in Beverly Hills , they have FOUR clean open Service Bays and tires , brake lathe , even oil displays on the Pump Islands.... I thought I'd died and gone to heaven , nice shiny clean uncracked sealed cement floors....

    They loved my little '59 Metropolitan Fixed Head Coupe .

    Anyways , Turbo mufflers are ALWAYS to fracking LOUD unless you're running a V-ate so be forewarned .

    I dunno why it's so difficult to try my open pipe advice , I haul heavy loads up those steep , narrow , winding Beverly Hills and Bel Air roads and never have even been pulled over much less gotten any tickets for unmuffled exhaust...
  4. Wolf

    Wolf Member

    Apr 20, 2008
    Man Paul I might have heard that! The wind is blowing 40MPH from the south today, so I will be hearing it soon!!!

    Wow Larry that is way cheaper then I got quoted... I will post below what I got quoted

    Nate I drove the old truck to the tire shop today, pulled out a bolt, self tapping of course. And i think that if i get the exhaust all the way out the back I think it will be ok. So I will take your advice;)

    Flashlight, let me know how yours turns out as well!

    Here is my experience last night with a quote:
    Ok so I got a quote last night from a local shop. they wanted about:eek: $600 bucks for the exhaust system. To me that seems really high. This would be from the flange on the manifold back to a single 22" long glass pack then Y pipe to 2 pipes going out the back with 2 chrome tips.

    Any thoughts on this or am I just thinking its too high?
    I was thinking about 200 bucks would be about right. I will check out a few more places thats for sure.
  5. Wolf

    Wolf Member

    Apr 20, 2008
    Ok slight update. Just called another local small shop, like the one before, and talked to the guy that would be doing the exhaust, sounded like a nice guy.

    Anyway he said it would be around 200 bucks to do the full system. I told him what the other guy quoted me and he said holly pooh. He said no, I do all pipe bending and custom work as well, and no it will be between 200 and 300 bucks.

    I am bringing it to him tomorrow at noon. So he can give me a quote. His shop is only 2 miles from my work. So I am officially pumped and not bummed from the quote yesterday. Can't wait!!!
  6. Larrys 48

    Larrys 48 Member

    Dec 7, 2007
    Spokane, WA
    Wolf - My system didn't include the Y into 2 chrome tips. Just a straight pipe, glass pack and tail pipe to the bumper. It sounds like you found the right guy. Let us know how it sounds without that glass pack - I'm glad you decided to go that way.
  7. smfulle

    smfulle Member

    Apr 9, 2008
    Ogden, Utah
    State inspectors ???

    Hope you don't mind a Task Force guy jumping in here and telling a silly story. In Utah all vehicles have to pass the state safety inspection. I took my 59 to the local Jiffy Lube because it was close and they had a sign that claimed they do state inspections. My truck has an rusty set of dual exhaust complete with glass packs that look as rusty as the pipes. No leaks though. The kid that did the inspection failed me for not having mufflers. He said those bumps in my pipes weren't mufflers. I had to call the highway patrol and have their guy give the the Jiffy Lube guy an update about how glass packs are in fact mufflers and to quit hassling me.

  8. ol' chebby

    ol' chebby Member

    Dec 11, 2007
    Going rate around these here parts is $200-250 for v8 duals with glasspacks. Don't pay more than that unless you are really upgrading to stainless, etc.

    By the way, the more bends in the pipes, the more noise abatement. When I first did my IRS, I left the pipes cut off behind the flowmasters....a straight shot from header through muffler and out. Sounded good cruising goodguys, made my brain itch going 80 on the way home. 1 right angle and a 45 made a HUGE difference. The curves going to the back and up and over the rear end should make a real difference. These 6s do sound pretty good uncorked.
  9. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    ! KIDS ! What's The Matter With KIDS These Days ?!

    Feh , kids grumble mutter gripe whine b*tch mumble grump etc...........


  10. Wolf

    Wolf Member

    Apr 20, 2008
    Task Force guys welcome here always! I totally understand about ignorant people. Drives you crazy doesn't it. Especially when they have a roll of "power" When I was building my deck last summer, I thought i would be a good person and go ahead and get the proper permits.... Way wrong...
    Lady that was signing them kept telling me that it wasn't up to code!?! She said i needed to get an engineer to look at it. Bam I said that is done, as I am a mechanical engineer. Still wouldn't acept it. Unbelievable. As I explained to her that what I was doing was more then aceptable. Showed her all my calculations finailly she said well maybe this will work. This was after a few WEEKS, no joking, of showing her that she was wrong. That was the biggest test of my paintents I have ever had!
    The lady was in her upper 60's, and still couldn't understand the difference between a cantileaver beam and a supported beam.
  11. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    I hear ya~

    And this is ONE reason there will always be JIM beam!
  12. Wolf

    Wolf Member

    Apr 20, 2008
    That is too funny, and true for sure!!!


    Got back from talking with the guy and for $325.00 I can have a complete system that I want. Complete with 2 shinny new chrome tips out the back! They guy is really cool. Bout my age actually ~25-30 for those of you who keep track. Nice guy, will have him do it Monday! Can't wait

    By the way it will be straight pipe with the Y split right before the 2 tips go out the back about 3 ft apart. Im excited
  13. bigtimjamestown

    bigtimjamestown Member

    Jan 11, 2010
    Jamestown Ca.
    Why split the pipe if you're gonna wait till you get to the back of the truck? 325.00 seems like a lot of $$$$ if you are only running a single pipe all the way to the back before you split it. 1 muffler? and is it a glass pak? :eek:... Big Tim :cool:
  14. Wolf

    Wolf Member

    Apr 20, 2008
    Ok got it installed. Looks great. I will hopefully get some time to post some pics soon. Don't hold your breath though... Sorry Paul.;) My wife and I are busy busy this week and weekend.

    Anyway I have 2.25" or 2.5" Cant remember which size. New from the manifold out the back. The pipe goes into a Y pipe and splits to a dual outlet, straight out the back. @ nice shinny chrome rolled edge pencil style tips finish it off nicely. :D Im am very happy with the results. I still need to crawl under it to make sure that he did acceptable work. But I don't have any worries right now anyway.

    The sound is great. Nate, and everybody thanks!!! I went with straight pipes. It doesn't pop on deceleration anymore, like it did when I had only 4 ft of pipe;)
    Sound is awesome at idle! nice and deep. Not loud at all. Driving around its sounds nice and mellow. Not too loud or sharp at all. So far I am very happy with it. Only driven it 5 miles or so.
  15. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    And that's a l-o-n-g motor!

    Well weeeedoggies! You done did it! I'm happy for you, Brian!
    (And envious~)
    I can't wait 'til mine is purring once again as well!

    Yes, pictures please? (Or if you are a tech type, how 'bout a video so we can see AND hear?!) :D :cool:
  16. Wolf

    Wolf Member

    Apr 20, 2008
    This long loooonnnnggg motor sounds good!

    Here are some pics! Had some time last night!

  17. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx

    Looking good there! I love the license plate too!

    (Side note for Bowtie Boys only! Did you notice that we got rear and side shots only!:cool: I guess he didn't want to take away all of the good by showing us the ugly mugg in front:D)
  18. ol' chebby

    ol' chebby Member

    Dec 11, 2007
    That 3 window can't have the stainless Deluxe trim on the doors. Please remove them and send them to me for proper installation on a 5 window.
  19. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Sweet !

    That's a right proper Farm Truck like I remember as a kid..... :)

    I'm glad you tried and like the sound , so few have The Faith .

    (I worked on an old truck , *once* ya know :rolleyes: )
  20. Wolf

    Wolf Member

    Apr 20, 2008

    I knew I should have pulled it out of my garage;) Ken Here is a beautiful shot of the front.

    Ol Chebby: I had heard these are tough to come by. It came free with my door! 100bucks and the door and the trim were mine. If you really do want it we can work something out to the effect if you have a painted one we can simply trade. Im not joking.

    Nate thanks! I do enjoy the sound, most of all I like not having the exhaust exit right under the cab.

    Next time I have the camera, I will take a bunch more pics of the beautiful l-o-n-g motor and that awesome huge grill!!!

    PS driving around yesterday and a neighbor of mine has an AD GMC in his garage too:D Never seen him drive it yet, but looks like I will be taking a trip over to see him soon!

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