Wow, Sorry to hear you are as disabled as Nate Joe, Were you on a motor Cycle but got slammed on the interstates, were you in rehab very long and do you still have to take the pain meds daily? I've had 2 spinal surgeries neck and lower and still I have so much pain at times, so I know somewhat of what you must be go through in the course of a day. I'm Feelin it,Hang in there, Charles
Don't even get me started on all the slippery crap you have tried to pull with me in the past on parts deals Charles .
Gee, was feeling sorry for ya thinking you were all busted up and all your nastiness was because you have an ailment and have to take a pill or two sometimes daily. This is being edited because it is to far off topic .
CCharr, I remember we had a good thing going at one time as far as moving parts your way & supplying you with the parts you needed for your beater truck. I always supplied the parts you requested in a timely manner & you were always happy with them. You are now blocked on the auctions 'cause you were too dumb to know how to cancel your own bids & you sent me a nasty incoherent rambling note & you made ME cancel your bid after placing several bids on one item..... Then you came crying to me like a baby a few months later 'cause I had you blocked as a bidder & refused to sell you anything. All because you were mad at something that was an entirely different situation. Here is the thread that made you blow a gasket.... I bet you look back on it now & wonder why you acted like such a douchebag about that topic. Good riddance.... I got no time to deal with cantankerous old farts like you. Not having to deal with your azz is more valuable than collecting chump change from you for parts. I will be very surprised if you actually show up in Payson AZ. to buy the parts you have committed too. Tell you what.... Nate has known me for 15 years now & Nate will tell ya..... I am still the same as I was 15 years ago when he met me.... I am still a straight shooter when it comes to supplying parts & I still have zero tolerance for B.S. & I have never been known to candy coat anything when it comes to dealing parts.
That is funny, but I edited the other post because it is now to far off topic this was about Nate's old ride and not about you Joe. For what it worth, my cousins have been buying me parts off your ebay site for some time now and sending them on to me. The motor was paid for today before the sun went down. (Total amount: -$200.00 USD Fee amount:-$6.10 USD Net amount:-$206.10 USDDate:May 15, 2013Time:17:43:35 PDT Status: Completed Note:59 motor Sent using the PayPal application.) Enjoy yourself
This topic has turned into a bitch fest with Nate leading the way a few days ago. I just picked up where he left off. Congratulations on your parts purchase. Glad to here that even though you were pissed at me... you are still buying parts from me & my suppliers.... even if it is through the back door.
Thanks Charles.... Don't send me anyone who is gonna give me trouble though I don't sell much on FEEBay anymore. I have moved into making parts & selling wholesale parts which works out better because I don't have to deal with the consumer end of things.
This post is of topic. This post is totally of topic and is coming way out of hand. Its like making an "elephant of a mouse". It might be better to use all this energy in to something moore positiv and intresting for all the other Chevy Talk participants to read. Martinius.
Do you have a website that you sell off of? I have a '50 3600 that I sometimes need parts for. Thanks.
Yea and it will be much more interesting if you don't clutter up the site with all the ass-backwards & useless crap that you post on a regular basis around here Martinius.
35 year collection of AD truck parts. Too many parts to list & no time or desire to maintain a website on all the parts we have. Best off to PM a parts request & we will get back with you.
Martinius post all you want we like you and your photos and tales of your travels. Joe go have a Snickers and a Pepsi then check out " mirror shots" on facebook.
Eek ! Wha' happened ? . I get stuck working an entire day on my Nash and you alls get over excited . Joe's O.K. , he just gets cranky ~ he used to live here in La La Land until the insanity drove him away to fresh air and no crowds in Arizona , land of truly rust free oldies . I bought many parts from Joe for my '49 , all were fine in quality and price , especially the N.O.S. door latches after my passenger side door flew open one day and I thought of my Sweet Lady bouncing across the intersection instead of my lunch box . I can't wait to post richard's follow through .
Nash and things. We just need to see some photos of your Nash. Any reponce from Richard yet ? About Arizona and cactus. My cousin ones send my a Seqoa cactus picture from his backyard The cactus whas a couple of meters high and grows in circles with a very curly top all the way down , it whas misshaped in a way. But it is beautifull. Do you eat the fruits when they are sugarfull and tasty ? How about cactus liquer , has anyone tasted that ? I have to get somethings done with my 220 mercedes , change out the main steering rod , brake pads , pitman tightning. Nate is it easyest to press the rodends out or do they come easely when loosing up the nuts ? Martinius.
Man made environment ! With the worlds population growth in the US Arizona unfortunatly will face the same devellopment. People will afterwords move out from the overcrowded city to the moore quite places if there are jobs to get and a future for there famely. One thing that is positiv is that it so very hot most of the year in Az and not every person likes that on the long term. Thanks for sharing your pictures Joe.
Joe's Pix , Az.Sunsets , Tie Rods , Parts FWIW ; Joe's 2nd. picture is really quite common in Az. , as Martinus mentioned it's VERY hot there most of the year (depends on where in Hotazona you live) but if you want , there's plenty of places that are ' away from it all ' and will likely remain so for another 75 ~ 100 years at least . Personally I rather like Phoenix as it's got it all ~ Urban environment with lotsa Blue Collar folks like me , places to live where the crime isn't off the hook and you're allowed to take your old car/truck to bits in the driveway without hassle . I used to date that rich C.F.O. who lived in Scottsdale , another nice place but pretty tighta$$ed for the likes of me . Jerome is a fun to visit ex mining town on the side of a steep hill , too many tourists and dopers there to my liking plus the entire mountain seems to slide 1/4" or so every year and this plays havoc with the old houses foundations . Sedona , ah Sedona ~ what can I say ? everything you heard about it is prolly true , much fun to visit and hike there , lots of Artistes , " New Age " (whatever the hell that means) people , it's incredibly beautiful but I'd prolly flip out at the flaky touristy types that flock to such places . Flagstaff is pretty nice , not overly hot and laid back in spite of the College Crowd , were I to move to Az. it'd be South Phoenix (The Barrio) or Flagstaff , the Western part where the kids and yuppies have not yet made a hash of things . If you've just gotta have a nice , bright green manicured lawn , Arizona prolly won't make you happy . Maybe the Northern part . Tie rod ends are always a swedge fit for safety ~ remove the cotter pin , nut and washer , flip the nut over 180? and screw it back until the threaded end is flush , now , BANG the cast iron ring end of the part the joint you're trying to loosen , goes through . The idea is : the shock from your 32 Oz. or bigger hammer will set up a sonic wave and the tapers will release , this doesn't take a whole lotta force but still needs a goodly -WHACK- to do the job . Putting the nut back on backwards , protects the delicate threads , trust me you'll miss at least once and you don't want to mash the threads , not even on a bad & work out pivot . Many older Mechanics use two 3 # Single Jacks (short handled sledge hammers) ~ one held firmly against one side of the ring part , then *SMACK* it 180? on the other side to pop it loose ~ Then there are " Pickle Forks " , very inexpen$ive and easy to use but they rip the rubber boots about 1/2 the time . Lastly there are " Ball Joint / Tie Rod End Separators " that you screw on to push the threaded end out of the ring part , it never pops apart until you put *some* (not a lot) torque on the screw part then *SMACK* the cast iron ring part with your 32 Oz. or larger hammer . I hope this helps , one of these dayze I need to have my Brother take pictures of how to do these as it's really pretty simple once you've done it . tapping things never helps and usually makes a hash of the job , remember that when you decide to use your crappo Chinese hammer . O.K. that's enough about off topic things , the next post will talk about my parts .
Parts Resolution To - day I came home to find a package on my porch , inside were the carefully packed items richard finally sent me , a picture should be part of this post . I have to say right here : THANK YOU ONE AND ALL whom took the time to write letters and be supportive of me during this very painful & trying time . I am thankful the parts were packaged so they didn't get damaged in shipment as so often happens . I am saddened that richard waitas is the typ of person who thinks it's O.K. to lie to people to make a good deal then ignore the pleas of the injured party until TWO separate Internet forums have been made to ask why this is so and even then , only after his Superiors get involved and tell him to do the right thing , what he'd agreed to in the first place . richard never said " oops , sorry Nate " or anything , he simply lied to me and thought it was O.K. to cheat an honest man who gave him a good deal . I guess this is the end of it and he'll never allow me to purchase the left over parts he said he didn't want in the first place . The salt in the wound here is : he didn't want these parts for himself , he's just your basic dishonest businessman who'll say anything to get what he wants . If I'd run my Shop like this , I wouldn't still be having people come to me and thank me for jobs done 40 + YEARS AGO . I guess when you have no self respect , it's "different" somehow . No , I never said nor did anything ' over the top ' unless dishonesty is your stock in trade . I am very sorry I dragged the parent company and the Hot Rod builders into this but they can blame their choice of front man , not me .