How old are you?

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by Kens 50 PU, Nov 28, 2007.

  1. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS

    Orange Julius? There you go again, Nate! Now I have visions of "the Green Ghost" chasing me and my buddies around Indian Hills Country Club's golf course at night time! (He was the night watchman~ we gave him plenty to "watch" for:D) He even burned a little with us one night when he did catch us...
    That was then, and TG I lived to fondly remember! Orange Julius~ that place cut the cotton mouth!;)
  2. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    So Then ;

    You all remember when Orange Julius went under due to incredibly poor management , as they were closing , my buddy who worked there grabbed me like 75 iron on transfers with the company logo and a while later I had a girlfreind who asked me if I wanted her to add a few of them to the stack of new white T - shirts I'd just bought , I said ' sure ! ' and went off to work , when I got home , she'd applied 20 or 20 to each T-shirt , in all manner of wierd patterns (this was the 1907's) , using up the ENTIRE stack of transfers & T-shirts , ruining them in my opinion ~ I was furious as I was far too conservative to wear them looking like that and I knew I'd never get anymore of the transfers.....

    As it turned out they were very nice and soft for polishing the car.... :rolleyes:
  3. put-put

    put-put Member

    Sep 27, 2006
    Northwest Florida
    Old Boy!! Well folks, it's 29 degrees here is FLORIDA right now. Low to be in the teens! Guess tha's why we sometimes call it LOWER ALABAMA.

    Such an interesting and entertaining thread. Let's add a little.

    My first car was a 60 Renault Dauphine. 3 on the floor and 4 in the engine. Last French car I'll own...
    I remember the first aluminum block engine and all the controversy about it surviving. Buick was the introducer as i recall.
    I remember working on a grease rack and begging the boss to let me get the promotion to the parts dept.
    I remember working pouring concrete and seeing the old guys with worn out knees and backs -- made me determined to go to college.
    I remember when gas was 10 cent a gallon and then when I was in college the gas war got it back down to less than 20 cent.
    I remember our first TV and that there was nothing on during most of the day.
    I remember when bubble gum was the in thing and it cost a penny for a pack.
    I remember when London Fog jackets were cool.
    I remember when i did all the work on my car except major engine overhaul...
    I remember recap tires and having one come apart on the interstate, whoa...
    I think I forget the rest....


    Have a wonderful ride down memory lane.

    God Bless
  4. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS

    I didn't think you were THAT old!!!:D

    28 in LA is a colder cold than anywhere else! The humidity makes it that way! I feel for ya', PUT-PUT!
  5. put-put

    put-put Member

    Sep 27, 2006
    Northwest Florida
    Yea, i'm so old that i remember that Dorothy and Todo are from Kansas. Must really be cold out there since you guys don't have any trees. Sometimes around here you can inhale the water it's so humid. Take 70% humidity or higher and add the cold, it goes right through your clothes. I'm 58 now and plan on getting older, good Lord willing.

    Best wishes and God Bless!!
  6. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Renault Dauphine

    DANG ! I had one of those , a '63 that a girlfreind bought over my screaming protests , it had the (insert adjective here) " Ferlec Automatic
    Clutch " system that worked (or not) by dint of electro-magnets in the flywheel and a control box that measured the throttle position and of all things , the amount of FIELD CURRENT in the generator ! :eek: I paid $35.00 for this wonderous automobile , it has good paint , nice upholstery and I still took a bath on it , eventually the Altadena Sherrifs towed it and I let them keep the doggoned thing .:mad:

    It sure was cute though :rolleyes:
  7. shooter2

    shooter2 Member

    Dec 1, 2007
    KC , KS
    Anybody remeber Plymouth's " Hy- Drive", had one of them way back when. It was only 4 years old when I bought it.

    How about a test pattern on the TV.

  8. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
    I remember test patterns and...

    I also remember the tv stations playing the "Star Spangled Banner" as the last thing before signing off every night!:)
  9. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Semi - Automatic

    IIRC , this was Chrysler's world famous " GyroMatic " option , it had a two speed tranny that you shifted once and it split each gear , giving you four forward speeds..... the slutch pedal had nifty 50's acript reading " SAFETY CLUTCH " .

    I had a 1950 B1B Dodge 1/2 ton Pickup truck with a flathead 6 Banger , Three On The Tree _and_ fluid drive ~ that was great as I'd slide Teresa (my girl freind) over and wrap my right arm around her , leave it
    in 2Nd. gear and cruse all night long , never needed to touch the clutch pedal.... :D

    As far as TV Test Patterns , L.A.'s channel 5 had them up into the 1980's and yes , that was the one with the Indian on it , Cheech & Chong did a riff about that very one in the late 1960's. you all might forget that along with the visual Test Pattern , was a " Zero Tone " ~ that was the flat note
    that just drove you nuts if you listened to it too long .

  10. 1952Bowtie

    1952Bowtie Member

    Feb 1, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    Fluid Drive

    Used to cruise around in a '48 DeSoto coupe with FD. I'd forgotten about the Indian test pattern too.

    Speaking of zero tones...take this..."only a test of the emergency broadcast system...Bahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."
  11. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
    Nate, are you still thirsty?

    My favorite drink (pre 18 years old) was that delicious concoction known simply as the Orange Julius. It was so unique in its texture and taste. With that said, I set out to find what happened to them and if they were still in existence!

    With that said, I present to you, the Ultimate Road Trip! Change the oil in your truck, adjust your valves, air up your tires, and click on this link and go for it!

    Now remember, you're driving, so don't drink too many of them!
  12. Steve Katzman

    Steve Katzman Member

    Oct 14, 2007
    Raw Eggs!

    Do they still put raw eggs in those things:D

    Ken, looks like I can kill two birds with one stone. At Westbrook Mall the have the Dairy Queen and Orange Julius combined:)
  13. Jaybird3

    Jaybird3 Member

    Jan 4, 2008
    I remember the first moon landing
    Episodes of Laugh in and Hee haw when they were NEW
    watchin Original Star Trek on a Black n White TV
    First Car was a TRUCK 52 Ford dont shoot me :)
    Remember The Vietnam war was On the News as a Kid
    And Bottled Coke with a pop Top
    Oh and All in the Family with Archie Bunker my Dad loved that show
  14. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Yes Ken ,

    I am _always" thirsty ! so much so that folks think I'm diabetic , but I just like to drink a LOT , water esp. .

    That O.J. store finder works a treat ! I just put in the ZIP code and it returned all the ones in the L.A. Metro area , including one only 4.3 miles from my house.... :)

    THANK YOU ! I'll have to go check that out soon .


  15. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    TV Memories

    All this plus , NBC making a huge deal out of a couple programs ' In LIVING COLOR ! ' :rolleyes:

    I remember watching Gilligan's Island and The Munsters in black and white , before they became so popular they upgraded to color .

    We didn't have a TV set as a child , I still have mixed feelings about that (I'm a voratious reader) . one this that always pi$$ed me off was this one teacher who decided we couldn't watch the first moon landing ! I mean c'mon for crissakes ! it was WORLD HISTORY in the making . silly cow .

    When The Beverly Hillbillies first came on (in B&W , natch) , it was sponsored by some cigarette Co. , I forget which but the beginning title sequence has them driving past a billboard showing the sponsor's product.... Winston I think it was .

    Anyone here remember " Mr. Ed " ? ' a horse is a horse , of course , of course....'

    Know why it went off the air ? it was a single sposor show , the sponsor was an American automobile manufacturer who's product far eclipsed GM , Ford & Chrsyler in design and quality but suffered from sometimes odd styling and wretchedly poor management so they went under in 1965 , after a last ditch effort in 1964 where the entire manufacturing was moved from South Bend Indianna , to _Canada_ of all places ~ .

    Who was it ? .

    Studebaker . " Ask the man who owns one " ~ polly one of the very most effective sales sloagans ever .


  16. GrandpaGlenn0

    GrandpaGlenn0 Member

    Mar 22, 2006
    Loved those Studebakers- we had 4 pickups in a row that Dad drove to work-- 3 cars ( the first was the one Mom learned to drive in) -- In those days Dad traded cars every year-- don't know why-- wish I had one of those now. Great memories.
  17. mel 55_1

    mel 55_1 Member

    Apr 1, 2004
    of course, of course I remember Mr Ed

    Wow, Mr. Ed. Best thing was, I thought I was the only one who could tell it wasn’t his real mouth moving like that and the other kids really believed it – course turns out they all thought the same thing.

    But, did you share that TV moment when someone went ‘dum dum dum’ and you all had to stop dead just like the Dr Kildare titles?

    Other great black and whites: Sgt Bilko, Dr Who, and The Untouchables – though that may have been b&w only cos we still had a b&w set.

    This is an English thing of course, but the scariest TV ever was Quatermass. The second series (1955) went out with a ‘warning for those of a nervous disposition’.

    But who remembers The Prisoner – I am not a number…
  18. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
    Mel, I'm not familiar with The Prisoner...

    It may not have gotten across the pond. I do remember "The Avengers" though. Mrs. Peel was "HOT":cool:
  19. Tailgater

    Tailgater Member

    Sep 16, 2006
    Greene County, TN
    I don't know if anyone outside the south will know this but I used to hang out at the service station after school. My place was so far from school that the bus let me off thee then I waited till my dad came from work a couple hours later. Every day I would put a pack of goobers in a dope. Who knows what that is?
  20. GrandpaGlenn0

    GrandpaGlenn0 Member

    Mar 22, 2006
    Goobers are peanuts,right? But the dope you put them into--- THAT'S the question!

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