I'm sooooooo mad/frustrated

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by 52chevyga, Dec 13, 2006.

  1. Tailgater

    Tailgater Member

    Sep 16, 2006
    Greene County, TN
    Boop's Dad,
    God bless you. All I can say about your last post is I love you, brother.

    As for your truck. Boop's right. As far as the truck goes just wait. As far as the person goes, he is in need of something that it may to late for him to get. That is, the self respect that would force him to do the right thing. Do you think it would move him off dead center if Boop went over there and started talking about how much she is looking forward to having her truck back? If a young girl who loves old trucks doesn't touch your heart then you are too far gone. Just a thought.

  2. Boopster

    Boopster Member

    Oct 24, 2006
    East Texas
    The Boop

    Tailgater, I know you are right about the Boop moving him with her anticipation. She went over with me thursday, He avoided her like the plague... I did find out that the misses, all the shop hands and his brother are very upset with him for doing the Boop as he has, 4 of the shop hands have given their time to repair damage that occured to the fenders, bed and cab while over in his shop. They bumped into the different parts over the past few weeks and caused dings and dents. All that has been repaired and the truck is taped ready to paint,,, thanks to the help, who did it for free because they feel bad about the whole deal. He and I have always been close, never having a cross word. He just keeps saying, tomorrow, tomorrow. I know your right about leaving it and being patient. Again the whole thing wouldn't bother me so much if it was for me...

    The Boop wan't talk to him on the phone and he avoids her in person. She just keeps saying, wait... She sure is a wonderful blessing, I guess I need to learn a few lessons from her :)

    Anyway, thanks for your kind words. God has truely been good to me through my kids and wife.

  3. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
    Guys, normally at this time, i'd say "Whoa, this is getting too heavy. Time to be a wise ass and lighten things up!" Just a quick story here, and hopefully, it will enlighten some. I moved away from home 29 years ago from Tennessee to Texas to become rich and famous. I am now not so rich but definitely infamous. For 29 years, my mother sent me a Christmas card "With love, dad and mother". Dad died from cancer and heart complications in May of this year. That devestated me because i thought that he would live forever. It really hit "home" last week when i got mom's card and it said "with love, mom." I know am rambling here, but bear with me. Life is too precious and too short. Make time for family and believe!
  4. Chiro

    Chiro Member

    Sep 3, 2006
    A New York Yankee living in Virginia
    Hey Boop's Dad,

    I can understand your frustration over what's going on with your truck. However, let's try a different tack and look at it from the painter's point of view for a minute. Is his shop busy? Does he have enough work to satisfy his bills? Is he understaffed to get out the work for the stuff that puts food on his table? Perhaps he is in a bind financially and when he says "tomorrow" he is really saying, "Brother, I really wish I could get to it YESTERDAY, but I am in such a bind right now that I have just GOT to get some money in the shop. I wish I could do your truck right now, but I know you will be patient and I promise to get it done and it will be absolutely beautiful when it is done. Thank you so much for the work you have done for me and believe me, you won't be disappointed in what I will do back for you."

    Perhaps that is what he is TRYING to say. You know how us guys can be...a little lacking on communication skills or maybe just embarassed

    Perhaps the Boop is right and understands all the above innately which is why she is saying it's all going to be alright.

    Just a thought.

  5. Boopster

    Boopster Member

    Oct 24, 2006
    East Texas
    Point of view

    Thanks Chiro... you could possibly be right... but, here's the but. The one brother (cuz) told me last thursday that it boils down to a strugle between him and his brother (other cuz) each of who are half owners in the shop. My daughter is their secretary and says that just their parts bill each month is 60 to 70 thousand, yes THOUSAND. they have 15 employees and keep us with the work with very little down time. They have a 12 bay work shop, 3 - 50 thousand dollar computer controled paint booths, a brand new 6 office with huge waiting room office building, a brand new 21 bay work shop (the last two of which I wired for free from start to finish.

    The one cuz is a people person and does absoulutly NO work even though that was the agreement between him and his brother when he became half owner. The other brother paints and works daily even on saturday from 7 till 7 or 8. This one got right on the truck and painted the hood, tailgait, doors, and all interior parts the first week there. He says that the other brother has to do something on the truck because that was what they agreed on. He told me "I'm sorry but he has to do some work on it, he's had plenty of time but just wan't do it." NOW, I see that I'm caught between two siblings, but that's not my problem. I told him nicely that me and the Boop came and kept our word the first week that they called and now the Boops having to wait because that they cant agree on who has to work on it next.

    Like I said in another post, both wives, all workers and the secretary are upset with him about this but it doesn't seem to bother him in the least. he just says i'm gona try next week.

    I completely understand busy, busy, busy, but when I was there on thursday, he didn't hit a lick at a snake. He visited all day with people who came by to visit and talked on the phone and BTW, he delt with about 8 other poeple who came in while I was there and some of them were nearly irate because there cars, paying customers had been there for weeks and he had promised them they would be ready in a week or so. The other brother says it's because he pulls the workers off the vehicle to do personal work. Like go out to the weekend camp to work on things and such.

    I see that he has a great business, and all the work he wants and other than on here I will NOT run him down but this just really stinks to high heaven...

    So I guess I'm just in a pickle and need to chill out... all the frustration isn't going to change things... I just hope the Boop want's a 1953 truck for her wedding present. I SURE HOPE I HAVE IT BY THEN, and she's not even seeing anyone. :eek:

  6. Boopster

    Boopster Member

    Oct 24, 2006
    East Texas

    I forgot to mention that he payed for all of this up front. He, according to his wife and secretary has no loans, he pays cash (check) for everything.

    Wish I could do that! :eek:

  7. Chiro

    Chiro Member

    Sep 3, 2006
    A New York Yankee living in Virginia

    Apparently things are clearer and yet murkier at same time grasshopper.

    Good luck with the family thing. Pray on it that it will all work out in God's time.

  8. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    Ahh "family". I hear they make bad business partners. If this wasn't an inside job, no doubt the BBB would help you out. Other than that, it seems like the only good news is your daughter doesn't have a boy friend. I bet that will come to a screeching stop after she finally DOES get behind that wheel! You're in my prayers.
  9. Tailgater

    Tailgater Member

    Sep 16, 2006
    Greene County, TN
    Maybe you could appeal to the good brother to take it out on the "bad" brother some other way. Surely he sees that it is not fair to you and the Boop. Maybe he could go to the "bad" brother and say something like, "Hey, you agreed to work on the truck in turn of the electrical work. Now you don't have time. For $xxx I will finish it up and get the cousins off your back. How's that?" I mean, if the guy pays cashola for everything it is obvious that he would rather use his wallet than his sprayer. Maybe an exchange of cash or favor between brothers is the ticket?
    Grasping at straws here, I know, but it sure would be good to get that thing home. I have been working all day on mine laying on the bed wood finish and blowing tail light bulbs. I would rather be wasting bulbs with it here than wondering what's happening to it there.
    Good luck,

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