hey dijoo,is your truck running again?is it the blue one in the background in one of your trans postings-love those wheels.What year is your truck? do you have any extra truck parts that fit a '66 shortbed or a '62 GMC longbed?
to olcarsnbikes have you tryed kanter.com they carry a lot of parts and rebuild kits for older hard to find motors brake kits etc... but they are very pricey. and as far as why people swap a v8 inplace of the v6 is price of parts and finding them. the v6 in my parts pickup has 294,000 on it good luck
Thank you, 64shortbed -I tried Kanter for other parts some years ago.It worked fine-last time I asked for parts ,they answered my e-mail after 3 times sending it.Maybe they do not need overseas customers anymore... I will keep looking....
if you go to 6066gmcguy.org they got a lot of info on the gmc v6's. they say 300,000 plus is nothing on them.
I will give my 305 a tune up(if I can find all the parts I need) and keep it in the truck as long as possible.I have a second engine I will rebuild when the parts problem is solved....
Euh ? I don't know Cheeseburg is that in Pasadena ? ( It's been 73 years since grill chef Lionel Sternberger at the Rite Spot restaurant in Pasadena attached cheese to ground beef and made sure Jimmy Buffett would have something to chomp on and warble about — during his stay in Paradise. The cheeseburger, baby. A Pasadena invention. )
I Agree, Theres Nothing Like The Cars Of The 30's Thru 50's. I Work In The Auto Industry For A Nissan Dealership, And I Tell Ya, I Cant Stand Any Of The Present And Future Cars. To Much Bling Bling And Worthless Techno Toys That Are Pure Garbage And A Money Pit. Whats With These Kids These Days And There Fascination With Four Cylinder Rice Burners With Fart Cans On The End Of There Exhaust. cars today come factory with cold air induction and theses kids run down to schucks shit supplys and put a chrome tube with a k&n filter on and all they do is suck hot air right off the motor. there loosing horsepower with everthing there doing. Kids Today Are All About Looks, They Have No Idea What Perfomance Is!!!!
Well, I do not share their aesthetic sensibilities either... but at least they are somewhat into cars, so it's a start. Wish I could live long enough to see if they are restoring today's Hondas and whatnots 40 years from now. Those of us old enough to have seen the muscle car era are truly lucky. What will they call today's era, I wonder?
The tuner kids are doing exactly what we did when we were their age. Hotrodding/modifing cars starting with a platform that they can afford to own and drive. Like Billy said, at least they are into cars. ANYTHING that keeps our hobby going is OK by me. Val
to 66custom:your right-but remember:the days are gone that you could 'hammer out' the exess metal left over from the casting process in every intake and exhaust port and gain easy 25 horsepower.Also :the gaskets matches the ports nowadays from the factory(unbelievable).The spark will not get weak past 5000 rpm,and there is no more need to swap in an electric fuel pump-fuel feed is fine past redline now(from the factory) So what should they do(or better said:what is left /what can be bought )when your young and have the urge to do/change something-one of these things are K&N filters chromed air tubes 20" wheels and flip flop paint. Some of the kids modify their cars extremly,and when they try to sell the car,learn the hard way:your money is better invested in a classic car because it has SOUL,STYLE & TRADITION
Hi Oldcarsnbikes, Yes it is the turqoise 1 in that posting. The parts...i've got some left overs but nothing special or new that i sell for the moment. I bought everything new at Classic Parts and LMC for the truck. My new overhault V8 motor i bought on Ebay in Germany ! (Berlin) this is the seller http://search.benl.ebay.be/_W0QQsassZputzi93
I Dont Mean To Rag On These Kids Today, I Agree, At Least There Into Cars. But Around Here These Kids Get Real Annoying, The Talk Up There Cars There The Fastest Thing On The Street And Then They Rag On Old Cars And Truck Like Ours And Say They Dont Get Good Gas Milage, From My Point Of Veiw, The Gas Milage Shouldnt Matter On A Hobbie Car. I Guess I Should Try To Take Them Under My Wing And Teach Them What I Know And Try To Influence Them On The Olskool Ways Of Doing Things :d
I have a friend that advises when dealing with kids, " They don't turn human till 30 ! " When we were their age, old folks thought WE were nuts too. ( Looking back ? I think they were correct ! ) Val