Looking good . I a week it'll be one year since we moved back into our burned out house, I gave up on trying to get the crooked contractor to fix the errors . I like that out side lamp .
Um ; 2019 was more than a year ago..... Those pictures look glorious . It was 39 degrees and clear as a bell here last night . I'm well shut of 2020 .
I used to wonder... Why do the arms on our Rotary Lift rotate so far out behind the lift post? The answer is because the folks designing these are so darned smart. It allows you to park your vehicle, and the arms are out of your way when getting into and out of your vehicle.
Yeah.. that still happens on occasion. With a vehicle on the lift in the raised position I've rammed my head into them to many times to count. Actually messed my neck up for a couple weeks one time walking into a tire. 1st world problems.
I have a news flash for you : I was just as clumsy when I worked in 3rd world shops..... . As I tripped over a 3.90 pumpkin in my dining room the other day I ruminated on the sad fact that I have never been graceful . C'es La Vie, non ? .