I looked at the motor again it seems to be 3970010; then looked at web site for motors and its either a 397 or a 350, gonna do some more digging!! got the 65 to bump over it seems my solinoid is bad gonna have it checked out. and cold not find the neutral switch maybe cause mine is 3speed?? thanks for the help!!!
Two things Buddy, It's a 327, not a 397. and, Netural Safety Switches are only found on vehicles with an automatic transmission. If your's is a three speed manual trans, no netural safety switch. Val
The 68/69 327 & the 1969-79 350 , Shared the same casting # 3970010 As did the 69 302 . If Its the Original motor in the Truck, of Coarse depending on what year the truck is It more then likely a 4 bolt Main Block . If Thats the case its definatly a 350 . Only was to tell for sure is Checking the vin on the top of the right front of the block . Best of Luck. CB
It is big block or small block? 397 is a big block. Is easy identifier is the valve covers. Small block have 4 bolt valve covers and are straight.