Jim~ I love those photos! The first one of your cab off its frame, gave me the notion that I could do that too! I'm glad I've gone with a "cab off" rebuild. I see the big compressor~ did you paint the truck yourself? Again, I'm most happy for the fact all our Texan truckers made it the Ike!
I am no painter Zig, I probly paid more for my paint job than any thing else I did to build this truck. I regret that I do not paint well, or could not settle with a rustoleum finish back when I was doing the job. I don't however regret the prizes that paint job obviouosly wins this truck at various small car shows. the paint is six years old and still looks real good. Folks like to look at themselves in Thunder's clear coat. It makes them smile. Jim
Me neither! I'm just determined! The thing I keep telling myself is, I'll be hauling crap in this anyway, so as long as it shines~ and will for a few years to come~ I will be SOOOO happy! I'm just glad your "Thunder" made it through Ike OK!