4-1/2 grinder with a skinny wheel misc drill bits small hole saw couple allen wrenches, wrenches and a screw driver. Couple hour job.
In a pickle.. I'm trying to get the old door latches out and am having trouble taking them out. Do I have to completely dis-assemble the entire door, window and window track? I tried to take apart the whole door but the glass doesn't want to come out, and the door latch is hitting the window track but I can't get that out either.. Any suggestions?
Raise the window, take the 2 small screwsin the lower door sill to loosen the window track. Pull it out of the way and rotate the latch out.
Door Latches = SAFETY !! Joe , AKA Mothertrucker , has N.O.S. American Made door latches ~ supposedly there is one Chinese manufacturer who makes decent latches but I've never seen them yet . A story : I was happily driving my 1949 Chevrolet 3100 series pickup truck home one fine day , I'd take the original latches out and cleaned and de rusted them before re greasing with the correct white lithium grease so the worked *perfectly* , loked easily with the key , required no slamming etcetera and I turned left in a busy intersection and looked on in horror as the passenger side door popped open and scattered my lunch box , tool bag and other things all over the intersection . I pulled over to the curb and collected my things , shaking like a leaf because I often drive my sweet lady in the truck and if the door had opened while she was riding.... she would have DIED . That's when I bought two N.O.S. door latches from Joe , this was just an old work truck yes but I didn't want to be responsible for KILLING ANYONE ! . As they say : Y.M.M.V. ~ I've been servicing rusty old door latches for decades and never had one fail before . Russ' trique is O.K. but not for the average DIY'er IMO . By the way ~ after you've wrestled those window channel run screws out , you have to lift it 1/2" or so as it's hooked in at the top , once it's 1/2" up you should be able to twist / wriggle it out easily .
Frustration.. So I finally have a better internet connection now to post things... But the real issue is still trying to wrestle out that window track. I will post a picture later to illustrate if I am doing it right or not.
Are the two screws under the window jam that screw from the window track to the metal door the ones that I have to loosen so I can wiggle the door latch outta there?
They are midway down the door jamb below the latch. The 2 nearly vertical screws midway down the jamb...