NEW 3:55 Ring & Pinion kits

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by DeadZoneTruckin, Aug 15, 2012.

  1. Keystoner

    Keystoner Member

    Mar 17, 2006
    Stolen TV

    You're not "really the only one who sees a problem here"

    The problem I see could be... Defamation, or is it Slander,
    maybe it's called Libel, or ............

    You say "The guy who owns the truck that these "fell off of" also sells everything you need to install them."

    Do you have any evidence to support your accusations?
    Did you talk to Patrick?

    And, No thanks.....don't want a stolen TV.
  2. DeadZoneTruckin

    DeadZoneTruckin Member

    Apr 17, 2010
    I don't think that "RidesWithYa" really thought this whole thing out very well before he bumped this topic back to the top.

    Bumping a 1 1/2 year old post to the top now only increases our exposure & we will sell even more of the ring & pinion kits.

    Every gear set we sell is a set that Pat does not sell..... so it looks like RidesWithYa actually did Pat a disservice by attracting more attention to the competing ad.:rolleyes:

    If he really wanted to help his buddy ..... he would have left it at that & let the ad dissolve into history with limited exposure.

    Thanks for your help RidesWithYa :D
  3. RidesWithYah

    RidesWithYah Member

    Jan 10, 2011
    Lexington KY
    I Apologize.

    I would like to apologize both to Joe and to the members of this forum for my poor choice of words, which served only to stir emotional responses rather than clearly convey the point I was trying to make.

    In the world of business, there are Entrepreneurs. These are the people who identify a need, then develop a solution to fill that need. They mock up parts in the shop, and may try a hundred things that don't work before they find one that does. They put pencil to paper to document how those parts are built, and what attributes are critical for them to function properly. They find or develop a supplier who can make them affordably in large scale, and ensure that the quality (material, fit, finish, heat treatment, etc) is correct. They negotiate price, pay upfront for tooling, and pay for hundreds or thousands of parts, often before a single one is sold.

    Entrepreneurs rely on Distributors. Distributors have the right to market and sell what the Entrepreneur has developed. Distributors usually pick up a large portion of the costs of inventory, marketing, and processing the sales. Good Distributors protect the reputation of the Entrepreneur by selling only genuine parts, and providing good service. In exchange for their large share of both the cost and the work involved, Distributors earn a share of the profits. Some Distributors, for a variety of reasons, choose to accept lower margins than others. I, too, am thankful for good distributors willing to work for a lower margin.

    And I love free enterprise. When I buy from an Entrepreneur, I am encouraging him to continue developing solutions to problems I may have. I am rewarding the risk he took in making that solution a reality. When I buy from one of his authorized Distributors, I am encouraging them to continue sharing in the Entrepreneur's risk and expense, making these solutions available and affordable. Either way, I know that I'm dealing with people who developed the parts, have a real interest in them working right, will stand behind them if anything goes wrong, and can answer questions about their limitations or how they are used. I also know that the parts are genuine, and not quality control rejects, seconds, or blems (unless that's stated up front in exchange for an appropriate discount).

    That's worth a premium to me. Hopefully, I'm not the only one on this forum who thinks this way. But if I am, that's ok.

    Entrepreneurs and Distributors both rely on third parties for logistics services. It's one thing to ship a box across the country. It's quite another to coordinate getting pallets of goods into a container on an ocean-going vessel, clear customs in another country, and then route it to the final destination. Most likely what happened here was that parts were lost by a freight forwarder, resulting in them eventually being sold to cover storage costs.

    Scripture tells us that when something is lost, we should return it to its rightful owner. The world says "Finders Keepers, Losers Weepers" instead, and while there's nothing illegal about that, it doesn't make it right. I don't know Patrick, and have never done business with him. I also don't know Joe (other than from these forums), haven't done business with him, and have no ill will toward him personally.

    I do remain surprised that our host would allow this forum to become Classified Ads for grey market (meaning simply, outside of the authorized distribution channel) merchandise, but I will respect their decision and say nothing further on this topic.

    Again, I'm sorry for muddying the waters with the "stolen TV" analogy; it was inappropriate and won't be repeated.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2014
  4. DeadZoneTruckin

    DeadZoneTruckin Member

    Apr 17, 2010
    As long as we are pulling hypothetical scenarios out of our ass... :rolleyes:

    Lets consider this hypothetical & highly speculative scenario....

    The parts get ordered... the factory makes the parts.... boxes them up.... arranges all the logistics to send them half way around the world on a shipping vessel....& after clearing customs on the other side of the globe the people that ordered the parts are unwilling or unable pay for them & they have to be sold to someone else willing to step in and clean up the mess while the container continues to accrue storage charges while it sits on the dock unclaimed & unpaid for.

    I am not saying that this is what happened but.. it sure is more plausible & believable than some dip sh*t speculation like ..
    duh " A giant sized over seas container just simply disappeared " duh :rolleyes:

    Just imagine all the people along the way that got screwed ,who's livelihood depended on being paid for those parts .....
    You want to do business with someone responsible for's your decision....

    I would rather do business with the guys that stepped in, cleaned up the mess, took care of the problem & made sure everyone along the way was paid for their efforts fair & square.

    Last edited: Feb 8, 2014
  5. 50 Chevy LS3

    50 Chevy LS3 Member

    Jan 14, 2013
    Very well said and plausible. Food for thought.
  6. DeadZoneTruckin

    DeadZoneTruckin Member

    Apr 17, 2010
    Yea it bordered on liable but apology accepted.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2014
  7. ol' chebby

    ol' chebby Member

    Dec 11, 2007
    If you look into the world of manufacturing, there are very few dealers who make their own parts. Most retailers buy a mass produced piece, order with their name printed on it, then sell it to you with a % markup. For example, look at dropped spindles......Bell foundries makes most of them, then sells them. Bell Tech was one of the big ones, and charged a premium. They also sold to the other brands who didn't have the Bell Tech name, who were free to sell at whatever profit margin they saw fit. Sell cheap in bulk and move a lot of volume. Sell at higher profit and make money in markup, lower volume.

    Look at F**d parts, many of them are (or were) made by Dennis Carpenter right here in Charlotte, NC. ALL ford parts catalogs are full of his stuff. The stuff he doesn't make, he and everyone else buy from the other manufacturers in order to fill their catalogs. Most of his stuff is made from Ford tooling.... he didn't make it. If they make an overrun, they sell cheaper in bulk. If someone orders a load then doesn't pay for it, he sells it cheaper to get rid of it.

    If a shipping container is abandoned or lost, whoever finds it owns it through salvage rights. The same is said if someone can't, doesn't or refuses to pay for an order. Auctions are full of this stuff. There is nothing wrong with any of this. I applaud MT for selling at smaller markup, rather than buying cheap, sell high.....the American way.

    Like him, I could sell the Aultman latches for $350 + $20 shipping like everyone else, but choose not to, to help my people out. I have not stolen any of these kits.....I don't even touch them. I call it in and they drop ship MANY of the sellers of ALL KINDS of products.

    Granted, Joe can bee a bit abrasive, that is just him. Deal with him or not, he has the parts you may need. He who has the gold makes the rules.....
  8. Blueflame236

    Blueflame236 Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    Thanks for this contribution!

    Russ .Thanks fore this thourough explenation on how market forces can Work out in the US. I ordered my Altman latches through you and apreceate the possebillety to deal with you and wanna thank you fore that .

    I would like to mention in general. Market forces dicide how much consumers are willing to pay for a spesific part depending on there volume and quality and wich producing country its been made ! Marketing and distribution channels dicide to how much a spesific part will cost. Vendors selling and buying there parts is very seldom a question of doing customers a favour at least not in a capitalistic world . There is a difference in buying nice price parts from a friend versus buying directly from a factory , a retailer or vendor. At this forum its important to understand the way a part is presented and if it have any value to the Chevy forum users and there trucks. Personally i keep these things strictly apart because i wanna keep my forum friends. Means when a friend is doing me a favour or offers a sale fore less bucks i will remember that and do return the favour when posseble ? Buying from vendors and retailers is what i do elsewhere outside this forum ! In this way it keeps understandings around parts buying fair and predictable fore all parts involved. I`ll notice sometimes that subjects in discussions here are pretty mixed-up wich i find is not a good thing. It tends that discussions become very private and sometimes totally get out of hand.

    I really dont want this forum to become a personal slander forum where persons or there meanings are dregged down through the mud. The forum rules are guite clear on certain ethicall sides in using them. As a regulair user i ask in a kind way everyone to be loyal to these rules.

    Thanks fore the understanding Martinius.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2014
  9. 50 Chevy LS3

    50 Chevy LS3 Member

    Jan 14, 2013
    Yes, shipping containers get lost.

    Containers get lost alot. In fact, train cars loaded with freight get lost. I even know from experience that ENTIRE UNIT TRAINS have been left on a siding and forgotten about for awhile.
    During the Mississippi river flood in the 1980's, a unit train (120 cars) was left on a siding and forgotten until the flood waters receded and all that freight was paid for by some insurance company. I know this because me and some friends of mine helped unload about 50 of those cars. They were loaded with fertilizer that was sold as distressed product. The term "distressed" was a understatement! The product started out as a granular, but, ended up mostly a sludge. We nearly killed ourselves getting it out of hopper cars. I'm also sure it was eventually sold and a profit (probably large profit) made on it.
    Rides with Yah has some valid points in his last post on this, and the amazing thing to me is the GRACE of our host. THEY SELL THE SAME RING AND PINION SET and allow someone else to hawk their low-ball price!
    I was always taught to accept apologies with grace also and not long-winded red-letter tyrades.
    PS I apply scripture to EVERYTHING in my life.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2014
  10. DeadZoneTruckin

    DeadZoneTruckin Member

    Apr 17, 2010
    After all is said & done.....the bottom line is.... we still have the best price around on the gears & a good portion of the posts here are nothing but pure speculation from a few dummies that know absolutely nothing about parts manufacturing & parts sales.

    Like the old saying goes....

    "Some people have nothing to say and don't mind saying it.":D

    Our host can buy the ring & pinions at a wholesale price from us anytime they want.... but, i suspect they have better things to do than get involved in a petty argument with a few mixed up characters on their discussion area that don't have any idea of what the hell they are talkin' about.

    I am still trying to figure out what the motivation of "RidesWithYa" was in baiting this debate to begin with ,because it sure seems like Pat {or maybe his son} used "RidesWithYa" as his bitch to post vicariously through him here on this topic.

    If that is the case.... Instead of hiding behind "RidesWithYa's" skirt...
    He should grow a set of cahones & log on here using his name & debate this topic man to man.

    I would caution him before doing so though.... as we have collected a lot more dirt on him than he has on us so, be prepared to have all the skeleton's you have collected in your closet all these years exposed.... & be prepared to get down & nasty with the debate 'cause It's gonna be a bloody mess by the time we are done debating each other :mad:

    Last edited: Feb 10, 2014
  11. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Freight & Customs Salvage

    Jobbers & Wholesalers too ! .

    When I was running an Indie VW Shop in the 1970's I went to every auction of VW parts I could find and bought pallets and pallets of new parts for pennies on the dollar , this allowed me to undercut every one else's parts prices and nothing under handed , never touched anything stolen .

    Sounds like this here ~ 3.55 final drive is the bee's knees , try it .

    Free advertising is priceless :D .
  12. DeadZoneTruckin

    DeadZoneTruckin Member

    Apr 17, 2010

    Thanks Nate.... free advertising helps to keep the prices down for everyone.

    Don't forget... our host is stocked up on all the bearings & seals you will need to install the 3:55 gears :D
  13. ccharr

    ccharr Member

    Jun 7, 2006
    Simi Valley, Ca. , La Paz County, Az.
  14. 1951chevy1ton

    1951chevy1ton Member

    Dec 10, 2010
    Near Sleepy Eye MN
    I want one of the Detroit diesels

    Think I can make it fit in the engine compartment of my 51?
  15. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Topic Drift : ROAD OILERS

    Thanx Charles .

    Those old two - smoke Detroits really did run well .

    In America if some is a good thing , TOO MUCH must be better ! .
  16. ccharr

    ccharr Member

    Jun 7, 2006
    Simi Valley, Ca. , La Paz County, Az.
    That was a great engine, like to see it in a tractor at a pull.

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