New to this Forum

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by iwantsnow, Oct 19, 2006.

  1. f4fantm2

    f4fantm2 Member

    Mar 1, 2005

    I like it!! Everybody gets to do what they want with their truck, everybody gets along, nobody gets PO'd, everybody gets to swap ideas, everybody's happy, nobody splits hairs, and we all come out winners! My truck will look "restored" going down the road, but "retrostored" up close....I love it!!
  2. Tailgater

    Tailgater Member

    Sep 16, 2006
    Greene County, TN
    Deer hunting with a Camry

    I haven't heard of them getting rid of deer. I think they could thin the herd and improve the health. I was a biologist in another life so I know that they can get overcrowed and start inbreeding and starving and all that so it is good to thin them out every once in a while.

    I had the guy who is retrostoring my truck give me a price on fixing my Camry. I can get the door, fender and parking light from a local junk yard for $240 and he is going to paint and fix the back door, front door, fender and hood for between $400 and $500 for a total deer bill of about $750. A local body shop with high overhead would be in the $2,000 range.

    Oh, by the way, here is the latest on my truck. Bare with me, I am taking pictures like a new daddy.
  3. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
    Crap, my firewall here at the office won't let me open your pics. :mad: I gotta go home and do it. Hmmmm, better leave now. ;) Comments to follow.
  4. Kevin's 48

    Kevin's 48 Member

    Aug 7, 2006
    As far as smoking the tires, I do that when I'm at work in somebody else's cars. Nothing like jumping into a $100k M5 or M6 with 500hp and 500 ft lbs of torque and wipping it out sideways. As far as my truck. Not much tire burning will be done with it. 20 in tires are too expensive. Rich, it's good to have you back. I like to see other street rodders on here besides me. The deer issue. I haven't heard of any kill all the deer talk, but I'm not a hunter either.
  5. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
    Quote: "Oh, by the way, here is the latest on my truck. Bare with me, I am taking pictures like a new daddy."

    Hey Bill, I think I speak for everyone here! There is no such thing as taking too many pictures. You know the old saying: A picture is worth a thousand words. Every picture i see makes me just a little more knowledgable about what makes a truck work or look like. Loved the pictures and what i want to see is a fully retrostored truck against a beautiful Tennessee fall backdrop this time next year!
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2006
  6. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Good to hear you survived the deer ! .

    Didja take it home and skin it ? YUMMY plus fitting payback for wrecking the car :D I love Bambi tacos . :D

    Collision is always a gamble it's super expen$ive where I live so I pass on it (no mpderns in my fleet) , with the $ I've saved on collision I coulda bought a fully restored whatever I want y now , if I pile it up , I'll just strip out the running gear and go get another one...

    BTW : they're called ' Resto-Rods ' and have been quite popular for some years now , faster and safer , decent heaters & AC , comfy seats , power windows etc. . one mechanic in my shop has a white '49 like me , his is a serious $$ hot rod , all modern except the body tin .
  7. William Bevins

    William Bevins Member

    Oct 13, 2006
    Welcome Rich..I see You are in Minnesota, well were neighbors, I am
    East of Ya, in Michigan....I just finished a 12 year restoration on a 52 3104
    pick up...Wait....maybe a few things done were de-restoration because vent
    windows suck...I cut them out, picked up all new soft-ray tinted glass (except
    corner glass N/A tinted, also picked up the outer and interior door glass mldg...
    Here is My take on it...I am putting My time and money into a pickup for
    Myself, so that means it will get purddy up for Me, and I don't worry about what the next guy thinks....when I started on My 5-window I found Myself eyeballin
    a new turnkey 350 engine that was mine....I almost was going to do it, but I
    don't think Dad would have approved so I stayed with original 216 CI Thriftmaster....I did put in a complete stainless steel exhaust system..
    Whatever You do with Your pick up is Your choice, and if any help is ever needed...I for one will be there... WB
  8. brit 50

    brit 50 Member

    Dec 6, 2005
    Essex England, the motherland
    Free bucks!!!!!!!!

    Hey, if anyone wants to get rid of a few bucks, send them to me in England, im a little short at the moment:(
    Chrysler sebring specifications
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2011

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