Grind a bumper bolt smaller to get a square shoulder. Take a wiper arm bullet, drilll it out until it almost fits over the bumper bolt. Freeze the bolt, heat the bullet. Cram them together and let them cool together. I tighted down the set screw for good measure. I haven't had one come off in 3 years......
Hell, I'll even pick you up in it at the airport and let you drive.....You can see what 85 mph in an AD feels like........
Cruising 1St. : I'd rather drive there.... THANK YOU for offering to pick me up though ! . Secondly , I'd bet my '49 can go 80 + but I don't ever thrash my equipments . Yours either even if you said it's O.K. ~ I drive by ear and when the engine tells me " !enough! "I don't push it futher .
She's only twisting about 2800 at problem. As for the bolts....You could even JB 'em on there if needed.