piture upload ?

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by gmcman1965, Sep 12, 2007.

  1. gmcman1965

    gmcman1965 Member

    Nov 22, 2006
    ontario canada
    I am not a computor guy! how do i select pictures to post or arange picture on my computor to select. i can unload from camera to comuptor but then i do not know how the get them from the automatic file to anywhere else.i use a sony camera and picture package menu. any help would be appreciated as i would like to post pics and hope to paint in the coming mounths and would really like to post those pic thanks very much scott d
  2. Chiro

    Chiro Member

    Sep 3, 2006
    A New York Yankee living in Virginia

    Hit "post reply" or "post new thread". I don't think you can post pictures from the "quick reply" option. Below the box where you click "submit reply" there is a box called "additional options". In that box there is a button "manage attachments". choose that and a new window will come up. Near the top of that window is a button "browse". If you choose that button, it will allow you to browse through your files and choose whatever picture you want. Once you have the particular file chosen, click the "open" option on the windows file box and it will bring you back to the "manage attachments" window. click the "upload" button and you are done. Each picture for a thread can only be 300MB. If you want to load pictures into the gallery, you can have bigger files. Hope I got this right and it helps.

  3. Bill Hanlon

    Bill Hanlon Member

    Jun 4, 2002
    Fredericksburg TX
    That would be 300KB, not MB.
  4. gmcman1965

    gmcman1965 Member

    Nov 22, 2006
    ontario canada
    i can find the brose part of uploading my problem is more of being or not being able to select or load the pics when using the brose option. thanks i know not a typical question, but i would like to try and share some photos with the crew here
  5. Tailgater

    Tailgater Member

    Sep 16, 2006
    Greene County, TN
    When you browse you should be able to navigate to where you have the photos then select them. Once selected I believe you have to click on upload in the dialog box and wait for the photo to make the trip from your computer hard drive to the internet storage space where they will reside for all to see.
    I usually download the photos from my camera to the desktop then open up a photo editor ( I use paintshop but there are several. ) to see if the photo is too large to upload. It helps to save the photo as a .jpeg file (this is the file extension on the end of the name) because .jpeg still gives decent resolution but makes the size of the photo small enough to upload quicker and fit within the website guidelines mentioned in an earlier post.
    Anyway, after downloading them to the desktop and making note of the name of the file, I go to our CP site, click on the icon that looks like a mountain with the sun in the sky over it and browse back to my desktop, select the photo file, and upload it.
    Give it a try. Even if you mess up it won't hurt anything.
  6. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    What Gater Said !

    First thing is to save your photos to the desktop then when you want to upload them , click on " browse " and a box will open , you'll have to slide the button on the right side until you see " desktop " then slick on that and the list of everything on your desktop will show , click on the line that's the same lettering as under the photo icon on your desktop and then click " open " this will trasfer it to the upload .

    Good luck , we're all anxious to see your pix so don't worry , just keep fiddling with it , if _I_ could do it , so can you ! . :rolleyes:
  7. sloromon

    sloromon Member

    Oct 9, 2006
    Phoenix, AZ
    ...or you can upload them to another hosting site like photobucket.com and link to them by clicking on the little "landscape" icon in the quick reply box. if you look in the archives, i wrote something about how to do this previously. good luck!!

  8. coilover

    coilover Member

    Mar 30, 2005
    Plano US
    Sometimes it takes a dummy (I'm eminently qualified) to give an explanation that another dummy can follow. If your computer is like mine sometimes when I click "browse" I get pictures I don't want and can't get any others. When this happens I click "my documents" then click "my pictures" on this display. This displays all my pictures and I can use "open" and "upload" after that. Only took about six months to figure this out---duh.
  9. gmcman1965

    gmcman1965 Member

    Nov 22, 2006
    ontario canada

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