positive ground vs. negative ground

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by 3/4 gmc 1952, Sep 22, 2011.

  1. Wolf

    Wolf Member

    Apr 20, 2008
    My truck also a 52 3/4 ton GMC was all original. Still is;) except I know have turn signals and a 12 V Neg ground system. Not hard to change over, just take your time.
    I needed a new gas gauge and a new heater, so those were bought 12 V

    I drive mine a lot. and haul with it as much as I can:) I love to see the looks on peoples faces when they ask me if I want to load that in this truck??? I just tell them to look underneath. They always say OK you will be just fine;)

    Nate is so right about the 228. I can keep up with modern traffic on the side streets. With my rear end I top out at 50, I haven't gone much faster due to it seems to be just screaming! But the side roads are great for me.

    I have the huck brakes, which are not preferred around here. I have them adjusted just right, and they work fantastic. There are 2 adjusters per wheel.

    Can't wait till you can enjoy your truck like I have mine.

    Ziggy you too!!! ;)
  2. 3/4 gmc 1952

    3/4 gmc 1952 Member

    May 16, 2011
    Claremont, NH
    Hey Wolf. Thanks for the encouragement. I have enjoyed seeing your posts about how manly a G-RIDE is! I have found some of the brake parts i need. Do you have any photos of the inner brake parts fully assembled? Also if you could post one or two of the radiator support mounts I would appreciate it. I will keep you posted on my progress. The last couple of months has mostly been gathering parts and a bit of metal work. Hopefully when that good ol 228 arrives i can make some real progress.
  3. Wolf

    Wolf Member

    Apr 20, 2008
    I will take a look to see if I do have any pics of the internal brake parts. Not sure if I do or not. Anyway this should help you out. its the owners manual for the 52. Just make sure you get to the 3/4 ton section of the brakes.

    I will try to get you a few pics of the radiator support mounts in the next few days. You will love the 228! it sounds fantastic and runs so great. My wife even commented on how it sounds like a sewing machine! Which is good from what i hear right Nate;)??

    Best of luck. You are in good hands here. A bunch of great guys that are REALLY helpful!!!
  4. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    GMC L O N G Motor

    The color of course , will be GMC red so when you roll up to the IGA & pop the hood , the Bowtie Guys will all turn GREEN with envy.....

    TALL ties make much more difference than you can inagine as far as Road Speeds , I suggest buying at least two new narrow & tall LT rated tires for the back end before you consider changing the rear end ~ it's easier & cheaper , saves you time and effort.....

    I once again hope to get Down East next year (2012) Jason .

    Oops ! tme to go no , still lotsa unread E-Mails and Tech Messages .
  5. Flashlight

    Flashlight Member

    Apr 6, 2009
    Greeneville, Tennessee....Looking out over the Smo
    Master cylinder

    Jason, The pics I couldn't download on your PM, Like I said, I also found a brand new set of fenton headers for a 235, a side mount spare tire carrier. New headlight bucket, 16" beauty rings and clip style Chevy Baby Moons...all new. Maybe somebody wants them...reasonable. Also two new 6 lug brake drums by our sponsor.

    Let me know.

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    Last edited: Oct 1, 2011

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