Prayers needed

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by Chiro, May 7, 2007.

  1. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
    You got it Andy!
  2. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    So how the heck did it go, Andy? I hoped your words let the truth loose- ?
    Inquiring minds want to know!
  3. Chiro

    Chiro Member

    Sep 3, 2006
    A New York Yankee living in Virginia
    Okay Zig,

    I've been kind of numb since Thursday. Trial has been going exceptionally well. Whenever anybody asks me I usually say, "It couldn't be going better if I scripted it myself". Firts thing Thursday morning, the judge is faced with another case where there is a 3 month old baby who somehow sustained a brain injury. There are four adults in that house and nobody knows how this baby got injured. Judge gets really pissed off. After he is done dealing with that case, my case is up next. He takes all the attornies in the back for conference. My attorney comes out with a very worried look after about an hour and a half. Judge is ready to dismiss. I'm flabergasted. Five days of testimony from two different psychologists both whom patently label my ex a nut-case who is emotionally manipulating my children and he wants to dismiss???? Judge calls everyone in and lectures both parties (me and the ex) about not being able to get along. Excuse me, but this wasn't about that. It's about the damage she's doing to my children...DUHHHH!

    Anyway, after conference again he comes up with three plans. First plan is he is leaning towards assigning my ex a new court appointed "babysitter" called a co-parenting therapist who actuall has teeth this time. This person will handle all disputes between me and the ex and be my sounding board when I see her manipulating the kids. He will report to the judge every month. I have the right to bring this back to court in front of this judge whenever I want. My attorney says that in chambers, the judge wanted to change custody to me but was afraid that there wasn't enough to hold up to appeals court in Brooklyn. This will give him enough if the ex keeps it up, which of course she will. Second option is to dismiss it outright, but in chambers judge said he cannot do that because the ex would definately feel she has won and there is no recourse for her previous actions. Third choice is to employ forensic psychological evaluation where and outsider therapist talks to all the other therapists from the past, mom, dad and kids and makes a report to the judge and trial continues.

    I don't know, but I 'm hoping the brain injured baby just put him in a bad mood and after reviewing the evidence again he will lean more towards continuing the trial. My ex HAD one of these court appointed "babysitters" for the past two years. She refused to go and when she did go never did anything the mandated therapist told her to do. The court knows this. I don't know why they think it will work this time. The definition od insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. Even the law guardian (kids attorney) is flabbergasted. He says, "Well, I guess MY take on how the trial was going was wrong". EVERYBODY knew it was going so much in my favor that nobody can believe what happened. Let's see what happens a week from Monday. Sorry for the long-winded reply, asked. Been more than a little bummed out since Thursday, for sure.

  4. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS

    Sorry things went that way for you, for sure. Now we have a specific thing to focus our prayers on, at least. I was hoping that the exact opposite had happened, and you were out having a ball with your kids. I should have known that we'd probably be the first you'd tell if it was good news. Well, in a while it's of to church, so I'll be more specific with my prayers. All my best, Andy.
  5. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Hang In There Andy !

    We're here for you and the Court appointed people are all on your side too ~ there's tremendous pressure on Family Courts to keep the family ' intact ' at all other costs .

    I'm sure the Judge will come around , we're all praying for you my freind .

    Your kids are depending on you to be their Rock of Gibraltar .

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