Retired AD Trucks?

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by Boopster, Jan 11, 2007.

  1. 54chevtruck

    54chevtruck Member

    Nov 16, 2006
    West Chester,PA
    England is not too far just above New Jersey I believe ? Ha Nate might be scary meeting some of this gang face to face. Feel free to stop by any time outside of Philadelphia. Always a room open if not you can just crash in me dog house. Lord knows I spend enough time in there.
  2. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Iirc ,

    Jolly Olde Englande is more to the right of Jersey.... :D

    Still a long swim tho' :rolleyes:

    I've never been to Philly , Pa. was nice when I rolled through in.....1988 , in an old 88 passenger Cornbinder schoolbus , hauling my '52 MGTD home to Ca.
  3. gmcman1965

    gmcman1965 Member

    Nov 22, 2006
    ontario canada
    hello guys it good to read all your rants, unfortunatly i can,t go ad hunting there are not any in a scrape yard and very ,very few in feilds or barns in Ontario Canada , there are some out west. there was one for years up near my parents but it recently vanished, the farm is up for sale and they are clearing out all old vehicales. my best option is there are some guys that go south and bring back trucks for resale to fix up or parts one is they sell new and used parts plus whole trucks maybe they could rescue some of your ad's from the scraper
  4. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Well ;

    I am sorry to hear of this , in the last few years suburbia is overtaking the rural areas of the U.S. too and those folks go on endless crushing drives , gotta get rid of all this old crap ya know ~! .

    I hear there's still quite a few Canadian Pontiacs rusing away in hedgerows , if you can find the '56 ~ '62 Canadian Pontiacs , they came with the desireable 261 engine as standard equipment.....

    Who cares if the car disintegrates as you're dragging it out of a peat bog .
  5. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
    Nate, you said a mouthful there!

    Progress sucks! Everytime i turn around here in Houston, they've mowed down 5 acres of beautiful forest and replaced it with concrete and pre-fabbed walls! Instant strip center. Then they say "why do we have such horrible flooding?" Well, what's going to soak it up? Trees or concrete? I now live on my favorite road back in 1977, which has changed so much. Back then it was two lane asphalt, which turned to gravel. Now it's a 4 lane slab with a turning lane and i'm 28 miles from downtown! When is the madness going to stop?
  6. Boopster

    Boopster Member

    Oct 24, 2006
    East Texas
    Welcome Our New World

    That's exactly why I live where I live. Here in Gallatin, most of the roads are still DIRT:D My family loves it here and even my children want to live here when they get married and move out. We're just country bumpkins:)

    Around here I can literaly drive hours and never see pavement. Even though the black stuff exists, often it's not even got all those ugly yellow lines in the middle. Yeh, we have good roads (as they are called) but still the country feeling. Plenty of good jobs and still lots of farms and ranches.

    I (as my wife says) reject progress, even though some is good i'm sure. What have we come too, all the new gadgets to make life simpler only to have to work longer or another job to pay for it. Hospitals on every corner like the small gas station used to be.

    I'm stopping here, I just realized i'm ranting. This is a VERY sore spot with me, I guess because i'm so old fashioned

    So what do I do? I ride around in the old falcon or soon to be completed 53 and day dream about how "it used to be". The kids love it;)

  7. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
    It's all in how we we were raised!

    I was born in '54. Most of our parents lived the nightmare called WWII. Then the police action called Korea in the 50's. If you were a military brat like me, you lived with the possibility of nuclear holocast every day. My parents spared me that with their support and "loving deception". I never knew about the "big red threat" until i read about it decades later. I had theories about it though. But watching B-52's leave Offutt AFB 24-7 gave me an E-Z feeling, as well as dad saying there's nothing to worry about. Maybe, i'm being nostalgic tonight, or greatful, i don't know. I do know that i'm one lucky SOB for having kinfolk who sacreficed to the max so that i could sit here tonight and talk with my "buds", both young and old, give advise and soak up their knowledge, and be glad that tomorrow, we can all do it again.

    God bless you all, and we'll talk again tomorrow!
  8. Tailgater

    Tailgater Member

    Sep 16, 2006
    Greene County, TN
    I live on the same piece of land that my GGGrandfather left from when he walked from here to Louisville Kentucky to join the Union in 1862. It takes about 4 hours or so to get there by car and he walked. My family legends include stories about the Cherokee camping near the creek that runs in front of my house. I hav eall kinds of remnants from the past hanging on the walls in my basement including the papers from when he mustered out of the army and caught "the trains" back home. This valley has seen generations come and go for over 200 years and the one that is here now is busting up all the old farms and building houses so close together that it is getting harder and harder to find a place to take a leak without fear of being caught. I reckon that is the way it is. All I can do is instill in my children belief in God and an appreciation for the past. It is a full time job to overcome the message that they get from the world everyday that relative moralism is the way to live.
    I don't know what got me started or where I was going so I think I will go lay down now.
  9. uncleger

    uncleger Member

    Oct 1, 2006
    Dorset England
    I know your towns are growing over there But think of us poor Brits, England is only the size of Mississippi with 49 million people thats 5 times smaller that Texas, which has about half our population, Scrap yards with an American car in it are like hens teeth, and to find a AD in a field are even harder than that. Might find some bits hid in a bunker on an old American airforce base if you know somebody who knows somebody who knows somebody by then its getting expensive.Have to ship every thing over its not to bad, import/tax is the killer even have to pay tax on the shipping!!! i suppose somebody got to pay for the index linked pension of the goverment and there employes But we do get American football on tv (satelite) Bears man myself goes back to the days when we got it about 6 oclock on a sunday evening the 'Fridge' was playing then never seen a live game though seem to come over there when season finished, had my cup of tea now back to work my 50 got a lot of work to do
  10. brit 50

    brit 50 Member

    Dec 6, 2005
    Essex England, the motherland
    We are taking over

    Another Brit with another 50, we are taking over guys:D
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2011
  11. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
    Question for you Brits

    OK, import tax is a killer! But, what if you buy something from one of the British Commonwealth countries? Do you have to pay the same taxes? If not, gmcman1965 sent a link to a Canadian site that you might be able to use. Might be worth investigating!
  12. brit 50

    brit 50 Member

    Dec 6, 2005
    Essex England, the motherland
    We have to pay tax just for thinking about importing!
    Hash Honey Oil
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2011
  13. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000

    The Beatles did a riff on this in 1965.......

    ' Taxman ' :rolleyes:

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