Thank you Nate

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by brit 50, Sep 5, 2006.

  1. brit 50

    brit 50 Member

    Dec 6, 2005
    Essex England, the motherland
    Well what can I say, MOWOGS have infested the US!!! as for electromagnetic fields, this explains the men in lab coats hanging round my truck at night with high speed cameras and quarks an stuff, plastic spanners, mmmm do i get these from the shop i got my chocolate ashtrays from?

    Styrofoam gears, synthetic oil!! are you insane, do you not have Dodo oil in the States? You seem to have been so close to a breakthrough there. "Sunk a ship for a h'apeth of tar" there i think, (tell me the history of that phrase guys)

    Kev, your a "technician" you can afford to buy new tools, sorry, but if you were a mechanic i would sympathise.

    Bill, you could be right about all of us there. Good observation.

    I think my quest continues.

    Thanx for the theories guys
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2011
  2. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    No , no Dodo oil but my Spagthorpe does have the desireable wooden hemispherical combustion chambers and my Rolls Canardley has a Hamstring pull on the Giddyap gear...:rolleyes:

    Does that help any ? .

    I had Ambehilical hexnuts on my rectubular extrusion brackets untill they got bent , sadly , no spares for those on this side of the pond .

    I think your sink the ship quote is mirrored in our ' Kingdom lost for want of a nail ' parable ? :confused: could be .

    I dunno about Bill's hypotheses , more like and open circuit , donch'a think :D


  3. brit 50

    brit 50 Member

    Dec 6, 2005
    Essex England, the motherland

    Think the one you are quoting is " a horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse" unless it threw a shoe, then you would be calling for a nail,

    Well this is really gonna get technical so keep up, Nate, your Spagthorpe must be the 62' unless its had a swap out, does it have the servo assisted ashtrays and the original cloth rocker boxes? or is it the ultra rare twin headlight model with bi-dual tandems, id love to see some pics if it is. The Canardly, tweek the clackhandle a couple of turns counterclockwise on a thursday afternoon when there is a k in the month and it should get up the next hill just fine. I can get you those replacement hex nuts from a druid in Wales but he will only accept hens teeth for payment, (someone had him over with some rocking horse shite a while ago) just check if they are rectubular or perpenagonal, easily mistaken, do you want them shipped by ringed pidgeon or just carrier;)

    Nice to let your hair down and have fun now and then:D
    Bondage Extreme
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2011
  4. 51papy

    51papy Member

    Jan 17, 2004
    Osawatomie KS
    Wow Where have I been all these years. Nate you have 50 years truck experince on me and I'm only 5 years younger. I guess I'll keep reading all the posts asking stupid questions and maybe??? catch up.
    Keep up the good work
    51 Papy
  5. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
    i haven't seen bi-dual tandems in yonks! does anybody have NOS or perhaps repops? oh ooh, i feel the short between the keyboard and chair starting again. Didn't Lord Nelson say the ship thing at the battle for Trafalgar. or was it Winston Churchill after you chaps sank the Bismarck? By the way, great job on that one. the tingling is getting worse. no wait, that's my cell phone. my lovely bride called and said "get off the internet and finish the yard work" gotta go!
  6. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    For Want Of a Nail.....

    "...For want of a nail , a horeshoe was lost

    For want of the horse , the battle was lost

    For want of the battle , the kingdom was lost..."

    It's actually much more complicated than that but I think you get the message .

    Feeling better to-day , I'd skipped a few days of the stupid neck/head traction and the pain really crept up on me , I didn't realize it untill I caught myself getting super pi$$ed off over some little thing . got up @ 03:45 to-day and spent some time in the chair with the device on my head , this sux and I hope thay can do something about it soon as it seriously impacts my ability to get work done .

    Be good guys , work safely and remeber to DRIVE those old trucks ! doesn't matter if no bed or crummy peeling paint , they need ROAD TIME ;)
  7. brit 50

    brit 50 Member

    Dec 6, 2005
    Essex England, the motherland
    Yup, know that one Nate, was just havin a bit of fun with ya, i was going to come back with the "swallowed a spider to catch a fly" one but i think its run its course now, tell me, are you tall, im 6'2" and suffer a lot with my back, not as much as you, but it seems to be us tall guys really suffer from spine/nerve probs, had a chinese guy at a site i was working on once, noticed i was in pain with my back and beat the crap outta me! bent me ways i shouldnt bend and punched, knee'd and stood on me! next day i couldnt move! but later that day it suddenly eased and by evening i was 18 again! was fine for months and months after that, wish i had got his number, he was just labouring on site and could'nt say much english but damn, that guy could tweek a spine.

    Last edited: Mar 17, 2011
  8. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Crack Yer Back

    Yes , I am 6' tall and I have a very long trunk & short legs , all the men in my family have bad backs .

    I used to go to a Chiropractor , the best ones were all Asian or trained there .

    The first few times this tiny guy laid me on my side , bent me up like a pretzel and then jumped up on top of me making my back emit noises like stepping on a bag of potato crisps , I was terrified but then , like you say , I felt great , all flexible again except by age 18 I was allready getting locked back whilst bent over some job or etc.

    This appears to be a different thing , pinched nerve causing pain to radiate from my neck all the way down both arms and often into my fingers....

    It's hell as I can barely hold my tools ~ thank God I can still ride my moto .

    One more reason I love my old '49 3100 truck ~ it has that wonderful old FAT steering wheel and I had it restored using an ivory color so it never gets hot in the blazing desert sun...

    " she swallered a spider to catch a fly , I dunno why she swallered that fly ~ perhaps she'll die " :D
  9. silver bullet

    silver bullet Member

    Sep 22, 2006
    Just so ya know, for your pinched nerves go to a chiropractor that massages more than cracks it helped me alot
  10. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000

    Thanx , I'm working on that ~ deal is : I have a HMO (Kaiser) who only recently decided Chiropractic medicine is valid and we're not there yet .

    Hell the P.T. they gave me didn't include heat nor ultrasound so whaddya expect.?

    I cannot afford to run off to have my back cracvked every 6 months as I'd like , I know it helps greatly .

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