WOW, that's a great looking truck. I know she is getting real excited now that the bed is on. Just a little more and she'll be driving that thing down the road.
This is looking great! I am about to get mine back together. I called the painter today and he says he has my tailgate and front bed piece but it it too cold to paint. Anyway, are you letting your angle pieces "float"? I noticed they were not weleded on when you had it in the living room and I don't see any bolts in it now. I went ahead and fit mine even though I can't put in the wood yet and all I am doing is letting the two fender bolts that line up with the angle hold it in on the sides then the bolts through the wood hold in down. I thin kthat will be plenty for mine. Just curious about your plans. I am sure the anticipation of the first drive is building fast. Boop's B-day is looking bright! Gater
That looks fantastic! I'm glad things are finally coming together for you two. Heck- I'm even starting to develop a fondness for your garage!! That white color makes everything look cleaner! Please remeber- IF the Boop decides she'd rather have a pannel and bats her eyelashes at you, my birthday is the 3rd and I would be greatly honored to have that as a b-day present... Just a thought...
Grill Pics & Fender questin Had to show off the painted and assymbled grill... Question - the fender welting that i received looks like vinyl that would go on a seat cover. Shouldn't it be some kind of rubber? And can anyone tell me where it is supposed to start and end????? Thanks for the help TB'sD
TB'sD- Do you stilllllllllllll have parts in your living room???? Black and red. What happened to the loads of chrome? I'm sure that'll look cool too.
Fender welting. Here are photos of my front, rear and what my welting looked like in the roll. It does have a vinyl like texture to it. I hope this is what you want. Gater
Thanks, Zig, The paint guy has the tailgate and head piece but the temps are hanging in the 30's so he is going to wait till it climbs a little. I can't wait to get those in and the bedwood that is already sitting and waiting to go in. Then I will take some real pics! Gater
Chrome That is chrome and lots of it, per the Boop. Sorry the lighting is not so good and it doesn't show that well. I do some more pics during the day BTW, thanks gator. Those pics are super clear. Now it makes since in my muddy mind. TB'sD
Glad I could contribute a little to the cause. I was with Zig till I took another look. It just looks painted because of the lighting. We should have known it would be a chrome grille. I have said it before but I really admire you for putting your daughter ahead of lesser things. She may know that she has a good daddy now but it will really come home to her when she gets out in the world and finds out how some of her peers were raised. Also, when that moment of truth comes when she has to decide between right and wrong, your close relationship will strengthen her. Of course, I am preaching to the choir. Gater
Thanks Thank you for the encouragment. She is truly a special little lady and worthy of a better father. BUT, i'm all she's got. I know I could leave this part off, but maybe it will cause a little thought. My wife and I have two children of our 5 with the Lord. One died at birth 23 years ago and Kara died at 17, 3 1/2 years ago. Life changes a lot after that. I will let just about anything go to be with my children. I know this will sound like I am bragging, and I guess I am. But I love my children more than life and it seems as they love me the same and it shows. This little truck is about more than just a truck. It's about time with the Boop. What more could a father ask for? Thanks again, even though I'm excited for her, i'll be sad when it's finished. I guess then we'll have to start on one for her children ... "ahhhh grandchildren"
My bad! Now I'm reaLLY excited to see the finished product! That 50 that I pass in the morning has a beautiful chrome grill. That candy apple red with chrome like that will be OUTSTANDING! I just hope you know how many motorheads you're going to have to watch out over! If I was on the road and (was much younger and) saw a beautiful young lady toolin' down the road in a decked out AD- That's the same as going out to the lake (again) to go fishing and coming across this beautiful lady who is out there fishing all on her own! I would figure God has said, "Here she is- the woman of your dreams!" 'Course my daughter is going to be doing te same darn thing in a short 12 to 14 years. TB'sD- I couldn't imagine what it'd be like to lose a child. making it through the SIDS stage was SUCH a relief! My heart goes out to you for what you went through. The only thing you can think of is, "What an angel God gave me. To think that someone needed an angel so bad that mine had to be taken from me..." Good luck with the welting! All my best with that!