i'd love to load up the family in the '49 and make the 2-1/2 hour drive from Temple to Dallas, but my '49 is still in pieces. Perhaps when you get the date, we'll head up in something newer. jg
Keep me posted! I will be there. I have a daughter in Irving, so I have a free place to crash... Uh... Sleep. Greg
Hey Evan - did this ever get off (or on) the ground? Hey Evan - I was just wondering if this project ever came about or is it something we still have to look forward too? I am sure there are some production companies in your area that would join in with your participants to do the filming and then possibly sell it to one of the many networks for a reality TV episode or multiples.
When you get in our age range sometimes even six months can bring about unexpected and undesired circumstances. Two melanomas (skin cancer) took William's life, and curtailed Billy's activity. That was our machinist and runner. Engine builder Jerry's son died at the weekly circle track of a heart attack and left Jerry as the sole caregiver for his grandson. Dusty got an opportunity through one of his customers to build a much needed new and larger shop. We spent quite a bit of time planning rather than dreaming , for example: Philly--cab corners and floor pan, Henry--right kick panel and cowl, Robert--left kick panel and cowl, Kory--hood and top of cab, John--sandblasting and cleaning, Justin--bed sides, Me--chassis rebuild, Bryan--two front fenders, Mike--two rear fenders, Larry--glass work, Jesse--doors, Able and Aaron fitting and aligning and all of us block sanding, priming, block sanding priming, block sanding priming, Roy-- upholstery, and finally Justin and Jesse laying on the paint. I was going to try and have every conceivable part we would need but just in case Bobby was going to have his award winning truck on standby for us to cannibalize any part we were short of. It takes an enthused participant to volunteer this. It's disappointing but reality rears it's ugly head sometimes. If anyone wants to round up a team for another go at it; I'm game.
Evan - sorry for your loss and the other setbacks. Sounds like you had a well prepared crew and plan. Sometimes, all the planning and dreaming can be a very enjoyable part of the overall project. Glad to hear you are still game. Put this on your virtual mantle until then.