The Day has come

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by Boopster, Apr 3, 2007.

  1. 54chevtruck

    54chevtruck Member

    Nov 16, 2006
    West Chester,PA
    Woke up here this morning 26 degrees & snow flurries:( What happen to spring. Anyway Happy Easter to all Boopster may have to wait a few more days Keep us posted
  2. zigzagfrog

    zigzagfrog Member

    May 25, 2006
    Bow, WA
    Happy Easter

    No snow here, but I have been following the weather channel and feel for you guys. In Cleveland, the Indians home opener against our beloved Mariners was
    snowed out!! Freezing into Texas too. Over here in W. Washington, home of the moss people, we dont worry too much about snow, but man did it ever rain last night. Saw my first slugs yesterday. Ahh, springtime:eek: . Nate, is there a special magic float for the Rochesters too? Mine used to flood regularly, then just fixed itself after a few well placed whacks with the broom handle. (Its been two years now.):eek:
    Keep on truckin:cool:

  3. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    HAPPY (wierd weather) EASTER !

    God alone knows what's up with all this crazy weather , must be one of those 500 year weather cycle things they used to teach us about in Publik Skool... :confused:

    Anyway , sorry your game was ruint :(

    It misted/light rained in Pasadena and where was I ? not in bed with my lovely lady keeping me warm.... oh no ~ I spent 5 hours underneath my Mercedes fiddling the tranny and the whako vacuum controlled shifting valves and restrictors , straining chunks and silvery flakes out of the ATF and on and on.... the doggies were happy I was there tho' , that's always a plus .

    I had to de-grease it too as it had some oil leaks I fixed , by the time I was done I was soaked through & through and black from head to toe...

    SWMBO had me work on -her- Toyletta for a bit then stuffed me with fabulous Easter ham dinner & a bite of hommade pecan pie....

    I hope all of you here have a great Easter and a blessed family time to-day .

    Sully ; Grose Jet makes float valves for pretty much -any- carby and yes , they'll stop the need to carry that yard sale bent screwdriver with the big handle , on the front seat.....

    You just look 'em up and tell them what make and model carby you have and they'll send you a <magic> no flooding float valve....

    I used to see the ads in Hemming's Motor News , 20 lashes with a busted fan belt ifn' you dunno what Hemming's Motor News is.... :D
  4. Boopster

    Boopster Member

    Oct 24, 2006
    East Texas
    Al Gore

    This crazy weather blows Al Gore's "Global Warming Theory" all to heck, now doesn't it:D

    Just goes to show ya, God knows more about the weather business than a man who doesn't even know who George Washington is:D

    "And That's All I Got TO Say About That"

  5. zigzagfrog

    zigzagfrog Member

    May 25, 2006
    Bow, WA
    That carby thingy

    Yep..I do recall what Hemming's Motor News is..another blast from the past. Float, valve, needle, seat..I told you all that carby stuff makes me nervous. The Marvel-Schebner updraft on my tractor only has two moving parts, and that scares me too!:eek: Now, I have never worked on a Carter AFB, but I do remember reading about them in those hot rod magazines of my youth. ;) After a successful carby carrer, didnt he go on to be a famous peanut farmer? I think I must have sucked up a little too much egg dye..


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