Welcome lee ! Yeah , those GMC guys can be a surly bunch . I think they're seriously envious my '76 GMC has a CHEVROLET engine in it.... .
Whoops ~ Here I thought I was getting really good fuel economy but it turns out to be only 10.5 MPG's..... . Sigh . At least it runs our sweetly like a Banger ought .
I think if you keep telling yourself that you may think it. but oh i would imagine if it had this long motor in it you would be a smilin I can't help it I know Nate loves these GMC engines Nate I also found this one, I thought you would get a kick out of. Its me pushing my 52 into the garage And yes that is my steel toe work boot attached to the bumber for some "cushion"
Dual Carbys No , I think not . I like to keep thiongs nice & simple , this rig already has sufficient power to chirp the tires , I don't like to abuse my machines thata way .
Well~ I was meaning that as a way to boost fuel economy. I thought you had said that two carbies would help out the consumption of fuel as well as boost HP. No?
So Zig, is the math 1 carb = 10.5 MPG 2 carbs = 21 MPG 4 carbs = 42 MPG 8 carbs = 84 MPG ... and so on?
It's a good thing you did not decide to come on up to Oregon. It is snowing in the south central area of Oregon right now. I live in Klamath Falls which is a little town you would go through if you decided to take the short cut and not stay in I-5 the whole way.
Yes , _BUT_ ; Once I've un corked it so to speak , you didn't really think I'd not be " spooning " the hell out of the loud pedal didja ? . I mean , really now , come on ! I am Human .
" zoom ~ zoom " Whadda ya think the 27 year old , 364,000 mile unrestored Mercedes Diesel Sports Coupe is for ? . BTW : yes , it really does have speed over 125 MPH in it , I chickened out after 10 minutes @ 125...... I'm driving my JIMMY to-day , I hate this winter grade fuel as it evaporates overnight but the truck sure runs good and it will be nice this afternoon when the rain starts and all the weenies park their late model trucks and huddle in wretched Toylettas..... Maybe I should hook up the original DELCO am.FM radio ? . One of these dayze maybe .