Way to go Bob! Don't you love it when a plan comes together? Good info to know as it's possible for any of us running the H/W, C/W setups. Yeah, Tom has been down here soaking up sun and hitting some of the shows. Had an Inliner's breakfast the other day and several of my friends remarked at what a nice guy he was and how willing he was to share his wealth of information. Now you get to enjoy your ride like never before!!!! Dave
Thanks Dave, That is for sure, Tom seems like a great guy...very helpful. He told me to give him a call one day and he would help me figure the main jet sizes to make it just right. I have to admit that it is running more smoothly than it ever has. Not leaking either. I plan to clean the tailpipes with some laquer thinner and then keep an eye on them. If this doesn't lean this thing out where it belongs, I'll be really surprised. Bob
Tailpipe Reading Bob ; No need to clean the tailpie , if the mixture is correct , you'll see it in 100 miles . If you're worried , wipe it out with a rag - no solvent necessary .
I put an NOS Carter YF 756 off Ebay and am using it with great success. I didn't know if it was the right number or not, but the box said "for Chevrolet truck and car" on it. Heat stove was easy with the universal after market kit. Lucked out with this carb. Just under $100.00 including shipping.
Carter YF Carbys Andy ! you stole that carby ! good on ya ! I've always liked the 2100 , it's very popular (or useta be) and still plenty of them around , watch out when buying used one off the 'Net tho' ~ they can be completely worn out . I think this last informational post by Tom should be made into a sticky .
Carter YF follow-up Nate, that's a good idea to have the Carter info as a sticky. Here's some follow-up info as posted by carbking regarding the Carter YF. Each succeeding higher number superceded the lower (minor design changes). The higher number would be the most desirable, but all are excellent. There were also some much newer YF carbs made for Chevrolet 6 cylinders in the mid-1960's, but these are not included in this list. The carburetors listed are for Chevrolet 181, 206, 216 and 235 CID engines beginning in 1932. Carter did not offer a carburetor for the 261. For best results on the 261, use either a Zenith 28 or 228 for the GMC 270 or one of the Stromberg "B" series replacement carbs. Both work very well. -Tom
So for a GMC 270... Stick with the stock Zenith (model 28) on the single manifold? Or try to find a 2-carb manifold? Or the 302 2bbl manifold with a Stromberg WW or Holley 350? Thanks y'all.
I have used the Holley 1bbl carb that came on the Ford I6 engines with good results. I stayed away from the ones with the transparent glass float bowls. Ford had a 170, 200, 250, and 300 cubic inch engine so a close match can be found for size. Very low profile with a common air horn size so air cleaner is no problem. Probably had to move the intake manifold carb mount studs or make an adapter but that's no biggy. Also used the Ford accelerator cable with the integral return spring to solve any linkage problems. Didn't know at the time Lokar would do the same thing in a pretty woven stainless cable and make a fortune.
Holley Carby Yes ; That's a good carby , it uses a V Flange air cleaner mounting so it cannot use a GM air cleaner but plenty of good quality Brand 'F' ones out there . I don't understand why you avoid the glass bowl ones , I sought them out when I was a young & confuddled man and so drover a '59 F-100 farm truck .
Nate, When they were new I liked the glass bowl ones also but as they age the glass devitrifies (fancy name for rots) and gets very fragile. If you can get it back in place without chipping around the edge then it's still aok.
Glass Bowl Hollys O.K. Evan , I get it now . I sold off my last Brand 'F' Truck in the early 1990's and never had any issues with them . Used to be there were lots and lots of old 50's & 60's vintage F's with the 6 Banger and this carby on them , not so much these days . I wonder if the modern Foo-Foo ' Motor Fuel ' garbage is able to damage the glass ? .