Bye Lazy ! Be good ! we won't look down on you because we all know how life goes , it's not fair and you have to do what you have to do , Sabes Que ? . We'll be here when you come by to chat . -Nate
Hey Lazy, trust me on this one. The guys on this forum will never hate, belittle, judge or otherwise demean you! You've lived the dream, had it snatched away from you and you'll regain it again!!! Always remember one thing, we'll always be here for you, either technically or spirtitually, you make the call. I hate that you're having to give up something this important, but like you said, if you love it, set it free. And in the immortal words of the 38 Special song, "Hang on Loosely, but don't let go!" May you get over this hurdle and join us again soon.
Thanks Ken! What a great, well done write-up! Nate, you can see the dash, bed, another cool shot of Gater's truck by clicking on the blue underlined parts. Each one will take you to another shot. Just hit the back button or else you end up back at this site... Well Done, Gater! Dang- that is beautiful!!! (Or am I just partial to red...?) THanks for the link Ken- I know you had to have been rushed, 'cause you the man when it comes to links! I'm just killing time 'till I walk the dogs. We've had 1 1/2" of rain again- it's slowing down, but until it stops, what better place to be! I'm sorry for all of you in dry areas- If you're in the south or east, you'll always have gulf moisture to help out. Here in the middle, all we have is this kinda stuff. I'll take it!
Thanks for the good comments guys. The sticker shock is wearing off and the joy that comes with a job that is well done is setting in. Zig, we are over 10 inches shy in rainfall so far this year. My yard looks like it usually does in August. The clouds will form and darken and then it won't rain enough to settle the dust. I've been through this before around here. I suspect it will start raining soon and will rain for about a week. When I pray for rain though I ask God to send just enough. I don't want to ask for rain and have to start building an Ark Have a great Saturday everyone! Gater