I'll have a glass of this fine red wine, just so you don't hurt while you're sleepin'. Cheers, brit. We feel your pain and drink to your fortitude! My brother went through the same thing just a week ago. Two stones. they were going to cut on him, but he takes an asprin a day, so they had to wait a week. Turns out, they did the "blaster" thing. (last Friday) He's in a couple of bands. He played a gig at Lake of the Ozarks Sunday, talked to him Monday, and it was two thumbs up. What they've done/are doing to you (with the tube and wait time) just doesn't sound right. Solution: Sell yer sh#@ and move across the pond to the land of the lardies! That way, the only thing you'll have to worry about passin' is all the stuff you just packed away! Here's to ya, brit.
I have been seriously thinking bout moving over there, just announced in the news they are letting 2,500 prisoners out early with up to 5,000 more very soon because the jails are all full! who the heck is running this mad house? cant come over at the moment cos im harbouring a foreigner ________ Strawberry cough
I Certainly Hope Not ! Why would you want to do that ? . if we cannot stand the heat , it's time to leave the kitchen (sayeth the old fat guy) As for who the h*ll is driving the train anymore , I dunno but I've got a balled fist for his face when I find out ! -Nate
I hear You Niel ! ......Having just spent a restless night tossing & turning trying to escape my terrible pain so I could sleep , I sort of understand .