Thanks to both of you for answering my questions. I'm just doing some planning for the future. Unfortunately not that far yet, but it's always good to have a game plan.
Bad news Well fellows today was a good and bad day. Bad cause the Boop was low down sick, throwed up in the night, chillin fever, rollin an tossin. Sure makes the Boop's dad upset when his baby is sick. She's feelin a might better now, but still ain't up to snuff. The good news, me and a friend Wayne worked on the Boops ride most of the day. Got the bumper all mounted... Looks great... Ken, that cheep taiwaneeze grill sure stands out... ain't to bad from a distance but I wish I had the real thing. Got the doors adjusted better, we followed the book, we followed the posts, we followed the yellow brick road and had to compromize with a fair fit, not perfect but the doors shut and the latches work (after I worked on both) and the space is acceptable. We got the hood adjusted, it looks pretty good for an old farm truck. We got the drivers side running board and apron on with the chevy step plate, now it looks REAL good, sets the old hoopie off real well. I did take some pics but the wife is hoggin the main computer so I'll have to post some later. All in all the Boops ride is looking great, Thanks again Ken for getting things back rollin the right direction. The Boop got out of bed just to see the ride and Dad got a big hug and smile and an I love you and then it was back to bed. Sure takes the wind out of an old wind bag when his baby is feelin bad. TB'sD
Tell Bev to get off of the computer! I need pictures, dude! How did you mount the bumper? That's been bugging me all week. Do you realize at this time last week, we were gulping down pizza so we could get back to the truck? Tell Boop that Ken hopes she gets well quick!
Bumper nount We used a piece of 3/8 plate, cut it to 2 1/2 X 4 inches, welded it to the end of the bumper brackets which we cut to the right length. We took the plazma cutter and cut 4 - 7/16 X 1 inch slots in the piece of plate that you and I installed as the radiator support and WHAAALAAAA. It fit like it was made to be that way.. .. I'll get some pics up as soon as possible. TB'sD,,,, and I'll pass on the message BTW, she shows off the Boop dice to everyone and then tells who gave them to her, you made her month
Pics of progress Here are a few shots of the bumper, running boards and aprons, as well as completed door shots. More later
Wow!! Now that's what I call a ride! Don't forget that we disconnected the ps pump hose. Don't forget to reconnect that (friendly reminder)! Awesome job on the bumper!
PS Hose Got everything connected, even the A/C, electric fan and trans cooler. We cranked er up thursday, let er run to see if the fan would kick on. Everything seems to work fine. Just got to install the passengers side running board and tighten up the bed. Then all we like is door rubber and connecting up all lighting and a few misc wires under the dash. SHould be ready for the Boop by first of next week. I ain't holdin my breath but sure hopin She deserves it, she's been a patient little lady. TB'sD
I've got a deal for you! Work the bugs out of it, and when you do, let me know and we'll meet at the "Wooden Nickel" in Crockett for lunch on a Saturday (my treat) and we'll bring cameras for photo ops!
sorry, zig, i didn't reply right away. i think i vaguely remember some talk of truck pictures, but i don't remember the specifics, and there's way too much to search through. maybe you could refresh my memory. i'm all about painting and drawing and i love old trucks (duh). jon
nice work, by the way, TB;sD and Ken!! man, that thing looks PERDY!! i've really enjoyed watching you guys get this thing rolling!! jon
Out for a washin Well the Boops ride is out front for a washin, I think all we like is the misc wireing then a test drive the first of the week. We'll post some pics of the washed hoopie sometime today. Stay tuned, excitement is risin, the Boops feeling mucho better with a big smile TB'sD... I'll try to get her to do the next post, she deserves to be the one to break the news to all about what she thinks and how it rides. Sure seems to be quite inside with all the insulation and tight rubber
I can't believe I let her do it. The Boop was so excited, and you all know how your little girls can get just about anything with their cute little smile... We'll she said "do you think I could drive it around the block". Dad took one look at that beautiful little lady and said "you bet"... So around the block she went, waving at everybody who was anybody and anybody else who looked her way. No blinkers or stop lights but the radio worked and the truck looked pretty good, now my little Boop, WELL, SHE LOOKED RADIANT!!! It was worth every minute of the past year of work... Here are a few pics, I'll let her post more later. TB'sD
You go, girl! Now that's what i'm talkin' about! Get the bling on the hood and we're there! You know, guys, these pictures don't do that paint job justice. 3 different metallic flakes in that paint. Depending on the light, this thing takes on different shades! MOST AWESOME!
And to know that ride has electricwipers is even better! TB'sD- Get ready. Your daughter behind the wheel of that truck as she goes down main street??? Get ready! That is one AWESOME ride- well worth the wait.
Bling and Electric wipers Got to get a little buffin done on the paint cause cuz let a little clear run. Talked to a few painters who say no problemo, just wet sand with 1500 then 2000 and might not even need much buffin, we'll see. Then we will put on the rest of the bling About the electric wipers..... she don't even want to get the Boop mobile wet, not sure she'll ever need em, but she's sure got em... no vacume for the Boop, only the best. Now if they quit someday during a rain storm I'm gona be lookin for some vacume replacements TB'sD
Looks GREAT !!!! Her smile say's it all Congrads on getting her down to the final stages. We all are proud of what you have done