Which doors fit a 79 C10?

Discussion in '1973-1987' started by Tailgater, Apr 28, 2013.

  1. Tailgater

    Tailgater Member

    Sep 16, 2006
    Greene County, TN
    I brought home a 79 C10 carport find yesterday. It had been sitting for 10 years. I plan to take my time making sure everything is freed up in the engine, oil is changed, etc. before trying to start it.
    I got in a hurry getting it off the trailer and made an accordion out of the driver side door. Now is the time for you to say, "What a d***@**!" Well, the wife beat you to it.:)
    A guy near hear has an 87 Blazer driver door for a good price. Does anyone know if it will be a good fit for the 79 C10.
    Thanks for the help,

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  2. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Looks Good !

    Don't waste any time beating your self up over a minor mishap .

    I'd imagine any Square Body '73 ~ '87 door will fit but why not ask if you can match it up first ? .

    Be aware these doors tend to rust around the insides of the hinges so look carefully before you buy .

    I was in P-A-P Sunday and found a rust free short bed stepper , original 350 & three on the tree manual tranny ~ NO DAMAGE ~ I was sad to see no one wants these anymore , hardly any shortie Square Body pickup trucks are left .
  3. Tailgater

    Tailgater Member

    Sep 16, 2006
    Greene County, TN
    Thanks, Nate, It is good to talk to you again. I took my door to compare to the 87 blazer door. The only diff was that the blazer had electric windows and door locks. I stripped all that out and the door is in great shape. No rust atall. Best I can tell I will need to drill one slotted hole in the door and weld up the mirror mount holes so that I can put my stock mirror on it.
    The guy had even DA'd the paint off the door so I could see that there is no bondo.
    I am looking forward to gettin this thing on the road.
  4. ccharr

    ccharr Member

    Jun 7, 2006
    Simi Valley, Ca. , La Paz County, Az.
    Good to see you busy again on a project Bill. Hows things these days?
  5. GonicGM

    GonicGM Member

    Jan 24, 2009
    Seacoast New Hampshire
    73-87 (88-91 old style) all interchange. The difference is the inner door skin. 73-76 has smaller door panels. You cannot install 77-91 door panels and use fasteners to hold them on. The features to do so do not exist. You can use 73-76 door panels on 77-91 doors however all the stamping features for interior panel mounting will be exposed. Not attractive.

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