
Discussion in '1947-1954' started by Zig, Oct 19, 2008.

  1. Wolf

    Wolf Member

    Apr 20, 2008
    I just met with a cool old guy the other day. he does body work in his spare time. sounds like a good guy so i am tryin to figure out a time that he can work on it!!! hope to get it done sometime soon. ill keep ya posted.

    have i will someday get a different rear end for it, but for now... 45 mph is just fine, im sure peeps behind me in kc won't think so but i sure will.

    the test drive went great the truck handled great!!! just love looking over that hood!!! way way cooler then the 59 GMC that i had in highschool:D
  2. Wolf

    Wolf Member

    Apr 20, 2008
    Temp Guage and Speedo Cable

    Well it happened again!!! I took the truck out for a total of 30 min or so again this Sat!!! it was 70 plus Degrees, just windy, but a beautiful day! And I still have no door, but it was worth it none the less. The truck ran great, and I was happy.

    Things to do:
    I still need to install a new temp gauge. Any suggestions on installing one. I will order one from our host here. Any tips or tricks with it besides not letting out the magical gas:rolleyes: no pun intended.

    Install a new speedo cable. Apparently the stock cable that is on the truck, that worked with the original speedo doesn't work with the new repro speedo, from our host. Maybe I am not forcing it enough or am not lining it up right.

    Still got to arrange to have the door and seals put in the truck. I want to try to get the truck going and road legal so i can haul wood in it this summer when i build my deck!

    Just an update, hope everyone else is doing great. :D
  3. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Temp. Gauge Install

    Pop the rubber firewall plug out and gently pass the sender end of the Bourden Tube through the hole , be gentle when snugging up the nut in the cylinder head - you don't want to twist the tube even a tiny bit .

    Now , press the tube into the provided slot in the grommet and pop the grommet back into the firewall and go attach the gauge head to the gauge pod .

    Just work slowly and carefully with the correct sized tools (no crescent wrenches , water pump pliers etc.) and you'll be fine .

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