I know this is a stupid question. Nate advising me to flush the radiator until it runs clear. Does that mean opening the pet cock at the bottom of the radiator, draining it out, keeping it open and just running water from the hose through the radiator filler until it is running clear out the petcock -- or is there more of an art to this. Sometimes I feel really stupid with these questions, but I sure do appreciate your answers!! Thanks, Eric
Check out this link Buried somewhere in this rambling diatribe is a good write up by Nate on flushing your radiator. https://talk.classicparts.com/showthread.php?t=6736&highlight=radiators Hope that helps. If not, ask more questions. Next time though, leave out the "stupid" part. We don't ask stupid questions, but sometimes give stupid answers!
" Rambling Diatribe "........ ...Is certainly an apt. description ! . When flushing the thing to remember is : you have a 50 - odd year old engine there and silty rust deposits of very fine powdery stuff are sitting in the wee corners where you cannot get to them but as you clean it and then run the engine through some thermal cycles , it'll soften up and dump into your previously clean coolant again , making it all cloudy ~ So , open the drain cock and let the hose run , when the water is running clear , start the engine and let it run at a high idle untill again it runs clean , then button it all up and go for a drive , acsend some hills or run it on the open highway untill it gets as hot as it's going to get then flush it some more , repeat untill the coolant stays clear for a day or two of driving . If you decide to use the Citric Acid powder , the correct mix is : 2 pounds or Citric Acid powder per each gallon of water . have the water warm when you mix it . One thing : when the engine is hot , DO NOT pour in cold water ! this is the fastest way to crack the block ! . if it's 160° or less you can pretty much have at it but when it's 180° or above , allow it to cool a bit before the next round of flushing , 'K ? .
Just Remember : There are NO ' stupid questions ' ! . Only stupid people and most of them are in managment and so easy to spot a mile away..... We're here for you to ask any and all questions . Better to ask than have to fix something due to doing it wrong the first time out I always say...
One more question By the way, when I am doing the flushing, and then running the engine to loosen up more of the stuff for further flushing, am I doing that with just water in the radiator, or am I mixing up the coolant and distilled water (60/40) each time? Thanks again! Eric
What I do is : I drive the vehicle to work (or wherever) and use pure distilled water , every time it turns cloudy , I dump it , fluch with the hose until clear , drain it and re-fill with distilled water again . no need to use coolant unless you're going to let it sit longer than 24 hours.... Like most old car repairs , it's a labor - intensive job to do it correctly , this is why so many show cars and trailer queens are no good to actually DRIVE.