Okay here it is, I have a new patient who is doing extremely well after being in a world of hurt for a long while. He is also VERY appreciative of what I have done for him. He is a big time mechanic (certified-the whole nine yards) and works for a multi-location, multi-make new car dealership. He has what he believes is a 261 inline six that he took out of a '68 Camaro many years ago and it has sat in the shop gathering dust. How do we I.D. this to see if it is indeed a 261? Where are the numbers on the block and head and what do they tell me? When he is well enough to get back to work, I will post the numbers and we can all have a good time checking on this supposed 261. BTW, I may be able to get it for less than dirt-cheap, maybe even free. Andy
Andy, look for the casting # on the block. That will tell you if it's a 261 or not. The casting # is located on the right or passenger side between the distributor and fuel pump. The casting # on the head is on the driver's side and should be visible right near the rocker arm cover, IIRC.
Not ! Andy ; It'll be either e 230 or a 250 CID thinwall 6 Banger , a very good engine indeed , light and peppy if sensative to dirty oil (cylinders get taper really easily) . If it's cheap go for it but the motor mounts and tranny attaching (bell housing clutch etc.) is all wrong for your AD ~ they _do_ make a bell housing to connect this engine to your vintage tranny but the front mounts are side typ. Full flow oil filtration on these engines and hydraulic tappets too , really good fuel milage unlike the Cast Iron Wonder we all know & love .
Ah Nate, If it ain't a 261, I ain't going for it. Not going to put it in the kids truck anyway. The 235 from Lee in Maryland just runs too good. I'm thinking of the future and other projects down the road. After all, I have four kids and need to keep them off the street for a long time. Andy
O.K. Andy Just remember this : it's an easy bolt in deal for that dead V-8 Camaro / Firebird / NOVA you find cheap . Ask him if it has an oil filter screwed onto the block on the forward right front side of it....
Okay, My mechanic friend/patient is back to work almost as good as new and he got to the engine in questions and got the numbers off it for me. 3921968 GM 42. Do those numbers make sense to anybody? Andy
No Pix ? . How about the spin on oil filter on the right side ? or the dizzy being forward instead of dead center on the right side ? .
engine Andy, The 3921968 casting refers to a 230-250, Chevy/Olds 1964-1976. If it is an original engine for a Camaro, it should be a 250 cu in. It's a good engine, but not the 261 you were hoping for. I have seen them in an AD truck, but it takes a bit of work. Hope this helps....Mike
Interestingly... The thinwall 250 CID 'Banger gets better fuel milage than it's close cousin , the 230 CID 'banger . I once had a '65 Chevelle with a 250 and a Slip 'N Slide Powerglide and it got incredible fuel milage. sadly , I fell asleep after safely delivering all my passengers home and hit a lamp post going 40 + MPH , I almost died and the car did die.....what a waste .
Thank God you made it! What a bitch! I remember being in the service, going TDY. We'd drive from FLA to Virginia, Louisiana, or South Carolina. They paid us travel pay to get there, so the sooner we made it, the more money we could pocket. (parrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrty...) I fought this feeling a time or two myself~ just because I didn't think my buddy who was driving could stay awake.